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A public school in Grafton, Taylor County, ca. 1890

1. Public School, Grafton, W. Va.

Elevated view of downtown Grafton. The courthouse is center-left and the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad roundhouse is center-right.

2. Grafton, Taylor County, W. Va.

Store employees pose at the front entrance between the display windows exhibiting several fashionable hats.

3. C. Frank Ellis Millinery Shop in Grafton, W.Va.

Several people, including workers and children line the sidewalk on the left side of the building which is decorated with bunting and flags. A delivery wagon, hitched-up and covered with advertisements is parked in front.

4. Interstate Steam Laundry, Grafton, W. Va.

A three story building decorated with bunting and employees (mostly women) standing at several open windows. A delivery wagon, hitched-up and covered with advertisements is park in front.

5. Interstate Steam Laundry, Grafton, W. Va.