Search Results

A car drives down the road on W. Va. Number 20.

1. W. Va. State Road Number 20, North of Webster Springs, Webster County, W. Va.

2. Transporting Lumber by Mule Drawn Wagon, Webster County, W. Va.

3. Panoramic View of Railroad Construction, Webster County, W. Va.

4. Oakland Hotel, Webster Springs, W. Va.

5. New Webster Springs Hotel, Webster Springs, W. Va.

6. Group Portrait Around Gazebo at Webster Springs, W. Va.

7. S. Cummingham, Webster Springs, W. Va.

8. Job Arnett, Harry Williams, Ashby Hamilton, Frank Satterfield, and James Delore of Webster Springs, W. Va.

9. Bowling Party and McGraw's Prominade, Webster Springs, W. Va.

10. Group Photo at the Webster Springs Hotel

A man and a woman are posed at the gate which helped keep animals out of the Webster Springs Hotel bottom.

11. Young Couple Posed at the Gate at the End of the Boardwalk at Webster Springs Hotel

The hotel manager at the time of the picture was George A. Hechmer.

12. New Webster Springs Hotel