Search Results

1501. Oil Drilling Rig, likely in Harrison County, W. Va.

Two unidentified women riding sidesaddle along a dirt road.

1502. Two Women Riding Sidesaddle, likely in Preston County, W. Va.

Two unidentified women sit with their pet dog on a lawn.

1503. Two Women and Dog Outside Home, likely in Preston County, W. Va.

C. C. Graham and family are pictured on the home's porch. C. C. Graham is likely Cyrus C. Graham, born about 1862 in West Virginia.

1504. C. C. Graham Residence, likely in Preston County, W. Va.

Street view of a Victorian style home.

1505. Victorian Home in Preston County, W. Va.

A group of school children and teachers pose outside of the school building located in Pendleton County, W. Va.

1506. Oak Grove School, Oak Grove, W. Va.

Members of the church and clergy pose outside of the church building which is located in Preston County, W. Va.

1507. Beech Run Methodist Episcopal Church near Albright, W. Va.

Family members and a pet dog sit outside of the home.

1508. Unidentified Family likely in Preston County, W. Va.

A frozen waterfall on Cheat River.

1509. Winter Scene at Cheat River, Albright, W. Va.

A man and a woman sit in the carriage while a horse pulls it across a field.

1510. People Travelling by Horse-Drawn Carriage, Valley Point, W. Va.

Four men stand and seven men sit outside of a building. A spigot with a communal drinking cup is pictured on the left.

1511. Group of Men Gathered Outside Unidentified Building, Valley Point, W. Va.

Three young girls are pictured, one holding a parasol and one holding a kitten.

1512. Children of Valley Point, W. Va.

An unidentified woman is dressed in a fur coat and muff. She is standing on a rug with cats imprinted on it.

1513. Woman Dressed for Winter, likely in Preston County, W. Va.

A man sits on the porch of the home in the forefront. The second house is under construction.

1514. Residences in Valley Point, W. Va.

Portrait of an unidentified woman. She is wearing a necklace with a large pendant.

1515. Unidentified Woman, likely in Preston County, W. Va.

Two unidentified girls lean back in a lawn chair.  A hammock is visible to the right.

1516. Two Girls Relaxing on a Lawn Chair, Valley Point, W. Va.

An unidentified boy pushes a young girl in a wheelchair across a lawn.

1517. Boy Pushing Girl in Wheelchair, likely Preston County, W. Va.

A man and his wife sit in what it possibly the cellar of their newly built home.

1518. Couple, likely in Preston County, W. Va.

An unidentified man holds onto what appears to be a liquor bottle as he sits in a horse-drawn carriage.

1519. Man Drinking While Driving Horse-Drawn Vehicle, Valley Point, W. Va.

An unidentified infant is pictured sitting inside of a rocking horse. Beside the child is a doll.

1520. Baby in Rocking Horse, likely Preston County, W. Va.

Two unidentified children pose together as they hold up small American flags, perhaps in celebration of Independence Day.  The flags appear to have 45 stars, indicating that this photo was taken between 1896 and 1907.

1521. Children Holding American Flags, likely Preston County, W. Va.

Two girl twins in identical outfits pose with their pet dog.

1522. Twins and Dog, Valley Point, W. Va.

A man, his wife, their three children and family pet relax on the lawn outside of their home.

1523. Family Lounging on Lawn, likely Preston County, W. Va.

A young man and a boy pose with their hunting rifles. Beside them are two dogs.

1524. Two Boys with Hunting Dogs, likely Preston County, W. Va.

A multi-generational family poses in front of a picket fence. Subjects unidentified.

1525. Family Portrait, likely Preston County, W. Va.

Two young girls sit on a porch swing accompanied with their dolls.

1526. Two Girls with Dolls on Porch, likely Preston County, W. Va.

An unidentified man belonging to Independent Order of Odd Fellow (IOOF) organization poses in a forest.

1527. Member of Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Valley Point, W. Va.

A table is set with fine china and and prepared dishes for a large meal.

1528. Dinner Table in Valley Point Home, Preston County, W. Va.

A child holds on to a glass baby bottle while posing for a picture.

1529. Two Children and Lamb, likely Preston County, W. Va.

The organization, one of the oldest fraternal societies in America, was established in 1847 as the Junior Sons of America. In 1868, the organization was renamed the Patriotic Order Sons of America. Members are all native-born or naturalized American male citizens, 16 years and older, wishing to create brotherhood.

1530. Members of Patriotic Order Sons of America, Albright, W. Va.

Four small children lead three horses out of the large, wooden stable.

1531. Children at Horse Stable, likely Preston County, W. Va.

A young girl poses with her dolls outside in the snow.

1532. Girl with Dolls, likely Preston County, W. Va.

The woman on the right is holding a Pentecostal Hymnal Book. Subjects unidentified.

1533. Man and Women, likely Preston County, W. Va.

A young, unidentified girl leans against a piano as she reads a book.

1534. Girl Reading Book, likely Preston County, W. Va.

Building to the right identified as the Dawson House.

1535. Railroad Street, Dawson, Pa.

The woman dressed in black appears to be spying on the man and woman sitting beneath a bush.

1536. Young Men and Women Outdoors, likely Preston County, W. Va.

View of the building, on the corner of Railroad Street and Main Street, from across the railroad tracks.

1537. Bank Building, Dawson, Pa.

Two men and two women pose for a portrait.

1538. Group Portrait, Valley Point, W. Va.

An African-American man sits with his legs crossed on a chair in a home garden. Subject unidentified.

1539. Man in Garden, Valley Point, W. Va.

View overlooking the town of Dawson, Pennsylvania.

1540. Birds Eye View of Dawson, Pa.

Horse-drawn vehicles are parked outside of the race track. In the background, a crowd fills the stands overlooking the track.

1541. Grand Stand at Race Track, Dawson, Pa.

Ruea May Gribble (b. 02/09/1884; d. 04/25/1911) lays in an open casket.

1542. Ruea May Gribble Funeral, Bruceton Mills, W. Va.

A decorated Christmas tree stands in the corner of the house with presents sorted beneath it.  The home likely belongs to Orvis Zacheus "Oz" Gibson, a brother of the photographer, Scott Gibson.

1543. Christmas at O. Z. Gibson Residence, Valley Point, W. Va.

On the left is a Geiser Manufacturing Company steam tractor engine, also known as road locomotives, which likely pulled these farmers ploughs behind them. In the center is likely a threshing machine for the separation of grain from stalks and husks. On the right, a group of men sit with tightly bound bags, likely holding the grain seed.

1544. Farmers Harvesting Grain, Waynesboro, Pa.

A man looks affectionately at the woman standing as he holds her hand and appears to ask for her hand in marriage.

1545. Man Kneeling Next to Woman, likely Preston County, W. Va.

A man stands in a yard beside a house while a woman and child sit on the porch steps. Subjects unidentified.

1546. Family at Home in Foxburg, Pa.

Two men, likely members of the Green family, are operating a plow attached to an automobile.  One man drives the car and the other guides the plow.

1547. Plowing a Field with an Automobile, Foxburg, Pa.

View of what is likely the River Stone Estate near Foxburg, Pa.

1548. Likely River Stone Estate near Foxburg, Pa.

Three unidentified women read materials stacked on the table they are sitting at. The library was originally called the Hannah Fox Memorial Library.

1549. Women Reading in Foxburg Public Library, Foxburg, Pa.

Members of the Green family pose at an outdoor dining table during a meal.  The covering on the table is sheets of newspaper.

1550. Green Family Banquet, Likely in Foxburg, Pa.

Four women stand in front of two boys and an older man, perhaps their professor. Each student holds a diploma.

1551. Likely High School Graduates of Foxburg, Pa.

Son of photographer James Edwin Green, 9-year-old James Edwin Green, Jr. (b. 1904) poses in a Spanish War uniform while holding a rifle. He is surrounded by American flags, celebrating the Fourth of July.

1552. James Edwin Green, Jr. in Spanish War Uniform, Foxburg, Pa.

An oil derrick is pictured in the woods.

1553. Lawrence Murphy Well near Foxburg, Pa.

Gifts clutter the ground beneath a small Christmas Tree at the home of photographer James Edwin Green.

1554. Green Family Christmas, Foxburg, Pa.

People climb the rocks of Blackwater Falls as they observe the gushing waterfalls.

1555. Blackwater Falls, W. Va.

Surrounded by large plants and trees, a man and woman embrace in the background.

1556. Corner of Fox Greenhouse at River Stone Estate, near Foxburg, Pa.

A man, likely a railroad employee, stands in the forefront of the station by the tracks. In the background, groups of people lean against the building, perhaps waiting for a train.  In the foreground is the switch tower.

1557. Railroad Depot, Struthers, Ohio

View of a small pantry room, storing various canned foods and supplies. In the background, on the top shelf, is a barrel that has "Mr. T. B. Green" burned into the wood. Mr. T. B. Green refers to Thomas B. Green (b. 1853, d. 1940/01/27), father of photographer James Edwin Green, Sr., and grandfather to James Edwin Green, Jr.

1558. Green Family Pantry, likely Foxburg, Pa.

An unidentified boy lays in the grass beneath a flower bush with a pile of apples.  The boy is likely visiting the home of the photographer, James Edwin Green.

1559. Pittsburgh Boy Enjoying his Vacation

James Edwin Green, Jr., son of photographer James Edwin Green, Sr., is pictured laying in bed with a cast and splint on his left leg.

1560. Likely James Edwin Green Jr. with Broken Leg, Foxburg, Pa.

An interior view of photographer James Edwin Green, Sr.'s home.

1561. Likely Interior of Green Home, Foxburg, Pa.

Mary Rupert Green (b. 1854, d. 1929/03/01) was married to Thomas B. Green and mother to photographer James Edwin Green, Sr.  A pennant for the U.S. Marines is hanging in the background.

1562. Mary Rupert Green on Telephone

Bridge over the South Branch Potomac River, Franklin, W. Va.

1563. South Branch Potomac River, Franklin W. Va.

Home of Dr. Preston Boggs in Franklin, W. Va., located on what is now North Main Street.  The home was included when Franklin's historic district was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1986.

1564. Dr. Preston Boggs Home, Franklin, W. Va.

Side view of home, likely located in Franklin, W. Va.

1565. Home in Franklin, W. Va.

Dam located on the South Branch Potomac River near Franklin, W. Va.

1566. Dam, South Branch Potomac River, Near Franklin, W. Va.

A couple poses near the dam, and others are visible on the left bank of the river.

1567. Dam, South Branch Potomac River, near Franklin, W. Va.

Workmen pose in front of a Franklin, W. Va. building.  The building has several signs on it, including one for Bickford & Huffman Grain Drills.  The men are likely blacksmiths.

1568. Workmen in Front of Building, Franklin, W. Va.

Four family members pose in their sitting room in Franklin W. Va.

1569. House Interior, Franklin W. Va.

Interior bedroom of a home located in Franklin, W. Va.  A couple are the subjects of the portrait, and the photographer can be seen in the mirror's reflection.

1570. House Interior, Franklin W. Va.

Two women in a horse drawn wagon, likely near Franklin, W. Va.

1571. Horse Drawn Wagon, Franklin, W. Va.

Four girls in a horse-drawn wagon. The house seen in the background on the far right is the Ernest Bowman House, located on what is now the corner of North Main Street and Dogwood Drive.

1572. Horse Drawn Wagon, Franklin, W. Va.

Exterior of the Thomas Bowman house located on what is now N. Main Street in Franklin, W. Va.

1573. Thomas Bowman House, Franklin, W. Va.

1574. Bowman and McClure Store, Franklin, W. Va.

A woman sitting outside painting a picture of a dog.

1575. Woman Painting near Franklin, W. Va.

1576. WVU Student Group Portrait

A WVU Football group portrait.

1577. WVU Football Group Portrait

The football held by the player in front reads "'Preps' '01".

1578. WVU Football Group Portrait

1579. WVU Basketball Group Portrait

1580. WVU Baseball Group Portrait

The football held by a player in the front row reads "WVU All-Stars '01".

1581. WVU Football Group Portrait

1582. WVU Baseball Group Portrait

1583. WVU Student Group Portrait

1584. WVU Student Group Portrait

1585. WVU Group Portrait

1586. WVU Student Group Portrait

Portrait of WVU Sigma Nu members.

1587. Sigma Nu

1588. WVU Student Group Portrait

1589. WVU Student Group Portrait

WVU portrait of Sigma Chi members.

1590. Sigma Chi

A WVU fraternity group portrait.

1591. WVU Student Group Portrait

A group portrait of the 1902 WVU football club.

1592. WVU Football Group Portrait

A WVU student group portrait.

1593. WVU Student Group Portrait

A WVU student group portrait.

1594. WVU Student Group Portrait

WVU student group portrait.

1595. Phi Beta Pi

A WVU student group portrait.

1596. WVU Student Group Portrait

A WVU student group portrait.

1597. WVU Student Group Portrait

A WVU student group portrait.

1598. Alpha Zi Delta

A WVU student group portrait.

1599. Theta Chi

A WVU student group portrait.

1600. Kappa Alpha Order