Search Results

54757. Children Standing by a Pool at the Ritter Park Rose Garden, Huntington, W. Va.

'Pat Gainer, on one of his ballad collecting trips, picks up material from Dave Thomas on his remote mountain farm.'

54758. Patrick Gainer (Right) Talks to Dave Thomas on One of His Ballad Collecting Trips

54759. Carl K. Gilchrist, Assistant Vice President of United Fuel Gas Company, Charleston, W. Va.

54760. Sam Gideon, Sterling Citizen and Pioneer Clothing Merchant

54761. Foree Dabney Caldwell

Early 20th Century.

54762. Greenbrier School, Hinton, W. Va.

A picture of Mary Hanes and her sons William Anderson, Linsey, Harvey, and Joe.

54763. Mary Hanes & Sons

Identified persons: Far left, Cesira Viola; 3rd from left, Pete Viola; far right, Sylvia Zeni Viola. Remaining person (2nd from left) is possibly Sylvia Zeni Viola's sister.

54764. American Friends Service Committee Workers