Search Results
- 000649
- Title:
- Reunion of Surviving Confederate 'Immortal 600,' Richmond, Va.
- Date:
- 1915
- Description:
- Group portrait of surviving members of the Confederate 'Immortal 600' during a reunion at Richmond, Virginia, in 1915. The Immortal 600 were forty-two days under fire on Morris Island, South Carolina; sixty-five days on rotten corn meal, cats, and pickle rations at Hilton Head and Fort Pulaski; eighteen days on the prison ship, Crescent.
- 000801
- Title:
- South Side of Charleston, W. Va. During the Civil War
- Date:
- 1863
- Description:
- Copy of painting by A.M. Doddridge, 1863- Army camp just below Chesapeake and Ohio Depot site near mouth of Ferry Branch on the Kanawha river. Fort Scammon Hill in the distance. President Hayes and McKinley were stationed in camp.
- 000802
- Title:
- South Side of Charleston, W. Va. During the Civil War
- Date:
- 1863
- Description:
- Copy of painting by A.M. Doddridge, 1863- Army camp just below C. and O. depot site near mouth of Ferry Branch. Fort Scammon hill in the distance.
- 000805
- Title:
- Battle of Rich Mountain
- Date:
- 1863
- Description:
- Battle of Rich Mountain scene. Black and White Version. From the original painting by Chappel in the possession of the publishers. Johnson Fry and Co. Publishers, New York.
- 000808
- Title:
- Drawing of Fort Lee, Charleston, W. Va.
- Date:
- undated
- Description:
- Fort Lee erected by George Clendenin on a site within Charleston.
- 000809
- Title:
- Engraving of Camp of 5th Virginia Vol. Infantry, U.S.A.
- Date:
- 1864
- Description:
- Engraving of Soldiers, singing, playing music, and holding a religious service. Camp of 5th Virginia Vol. Infantry, U.S.A. Falls of Kanawha, West Virginia. Our Chaplain Gives each of us a copy of this engraving, to show our friends the way we sing and hold meetings in camp. He desires us to tell them to pray for us and him, that we may prove faithful to our country and our God, and not be found wanting in any day of temptation and trial.
- 000810
- Title:
- Historic Marker for Battle of McDowell
- Date:
- undated
- Description:
- Road sign reading: 'Battle of McDowell Stonewall Jackson, to prevent a junction of Fremont and Banks, took position on the hills just to the south and beat off the attacks of Fremont's advance under Milroy. May 8, 1862. Milroy retreated that night.' Highland County, Va.
- 000811
- Title:
- 35 Star American Flag
- Date:
- undated
- Description:
- Old American Flag hanging on a wall beside a picture of Abraham Lincoln.The Flag was hand sewn in Shepherdstown within days of West Virginia's creation on June 20, 1863. It is one of only a few 35-star flags in existence. The 35-star flag was in use for only three years, and during most of its lifespan was not recognized by the southern states represented among its stars.
- 000813
- Title:
- Two Civil War Projectiles
- Date:
- 1862/08/13
- Description:
- Head of projectile fired. Went through the roof of a barn on Kanawha Street and landed in the Rand Garden, near Morris and Quarrier St, (today).
- 000815
- Title:
- Camp Reynolds, Kanawha Falls, Fayette Co., West Va.
- Date:
- 1863
- Description:
- Camp Reynolds, Kanawha Falls, Fayette County. Winter headquarters of the 23rd. Ohio, also 89th. Ohio- Dec 1, 1862 to March 15, 1863 (See Haye's Diary Vol. 2- p. 366-394. 'Camp Markell, Gauley Bridge, Dec 1 1862- We are on the south side of the Kanawha at the ferry below and in sight of the falls, 2 miles below Gauley Bridge.---p.366. 'Camp Reynolds Jan 4, 1863- The same old camp but now Reynolds after our gallant Sergt. Maj. Eugene Reynolds, who was killed at South Mountain -p.383.
- 000817
- Title:
- Leonard Morris Stockade House Now Located in Marmet, W. VA.
- Date:
- undated
- Description:
- Distant view of Leonard Morris Stockade House now located in Marmet, W.VA. Built 1774?
- 000818
- Title:
- Leonard Morris Stockade House Now Located in Marmet, W. VA.
- Date:
- undated
- Description:
- Distant view of the Leonard Morris Stockade House-Now located in Marmet, W.VA. Built 1774?