Search Results

Lumber mill with four smokestacks visible.  Also lumber piles.

1. Lumber Mill at Ellamore, W. Va.

A photograph of a lumber mill, with a group of individuals gathered near the mill's entrance on the left.

2. Jennings Brothers' Mill, Jenningston, W. Va.

This photograph was published in the book, "Tumult On The Mountain" by Roy B. Clarkson, as Fig. 19. The caption with image includes: "Piling panel poplar in then yard for air drying. The various layers of the pile are separated by 1 X 4 inch stickers placed across the pile.Courtesy WVU LIbraries, A&M 1630, Brown, D. D. Collection"

3. Piling Panel Poplar For Drying, Birch Valley Lumber Company, Tioga, W. Va.

4. Portrait of Loggers at Keystone in Elkins, W. Va

5. View of a Hotel in Dobbin, W. Va.

6. Men Sorting Lumber on Mill at Dobbin, W. Va.

7. View of Stacked Logs

8. View of Church in Dobbin, W. Va.

9. Boarding House in Dobbin, W. Va.

10. View of the R. R. Station in Dobbin, W. Va.

The top view is of the town and lumber yard. The bottom view is of the town and mill.

11. View of Dobbin, W. Va.

12. Loggers Loading Lumber on Cars, Dobbin, W. Va.