Search Results

People sit on the ground outside of the Helvetia Church.

1. Church at Helvetia, W. Va.

Front view of the Helvetia Church.

2. Church at Helvetia, W. Va.

Front view of the Helvetia Church.

3. Church at Helvetia, W. Va.

Two story wood frame home on a snowy day.

4. Parsonage at Helvetia, W. Va.

5. Olga and Paul Aegerter with Friends at Helvetia, W. Va.

6. Confirmation Class at Helvetia, W. Va.

A man holding deer antlers stands next to a woman.

7. Rev. Mugglin's Farm, Helvetia, W. Va.

8. Ben Holtkamp and Rev. Mugglin on Horseback at Helvetia, W. Va.

9. Group Portrait, Helvetia, W. Va.

10. Fahrner Family Portrait, Helvetia, W. Va.

The man smokes a pipe while the women crochets.

11. Katherine and Johannes Hofer, Sr. at Helvetia, W. Va.

Written on back of photo: 'Attok, Willik and Jersey Citi.'

12. Young Men, Helvetia, W. Va.