Search Results

Two unidentified men stand outside the empty restaurant.

421. Oakford Park Restaurant, Jeannette, Pa.

A winter scene in downtown Morgantown, includes people traveling by horseback and on foot on a snow covered High Street.

422. Two Views of High Street, Morgantown, W. Va.

Employment at this bank was Brown's first position in the banking business. In 1911, Brown was appointed Warden of the Moundsville Penitentiary.

423. Martin Luther Brown Posed in Doorway of Citzens National Bank, Morgantown, W. Va.

East end of the shop track work crew. None are unidentified.

424. 'The Glass House' and It's Work Force, Hinton, W. Va.

Ro Murrell, center, stands in front of caboose with two unidentified crew members. Inscription on the back includes: "...from Ro Murrell Collection..."

425. Caboose and Crew of Engine 156, Hinton Yards, Summers County W. Va.

Three unidentified men stand outside the Monroe County Court House. Inscription on the back includes, " ... from Jim Hutchinson Jr. 10-24-1987."

426. Monroe County Court House, Union, W. Va.

Built at a cost of $30,988 to replace the old school destroyed by fire, the new building opened in September, 1899. The length of the school year was increased to nine months.

427. Central Grade School of Morgantown, Monongalia County, W. Va.

A portrait of Father Jenkens of St Patrick's Catholic Church. The church was located in Summers County, West Virginia.

428. Father Jenkens of St Patrick's Catholic Church, Hinton, W. Va.

A family photograph of Jake Keatley's family on Keatley Farm, no members are identified. The farm was located in the Forest Hill District. Inscribed on the back of the photograph: "Hinton Daily News Collection from Jim Pettrey to Stephen Trail 11/16/1996".

429. Jake Keatley's Family Near Bozoo, Monroe County, W. Va.

Left to right: Wild Balland, Geo Meadows, Ed Cunsh, Bill Cunsh, Mr. Balleneng, J. L. Keatley and John Cunsh. Shows the men with several hunting dogs and their hunted rabbits.

430. Hunting Party, Forest Hill, W. Va.

Portrait of the Hinton YMCA, taken outside on porch steps. The man with the beard is John R. Mott and the man in the 2nd row, 1st from right is G. K. Roper. All others are not identified. The photograph was given to Stephen Trail by Melvin Plumley.

431. Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), Hinton, W. Va.

Photograph of an unidentified male community song group. Probably taken at the Green Sulphur Annual Fair in Summers County. Two men in sleeveless shirts are pictured in another group photograph (id # 039235). This photo was purchased by Stephen Trail in Hinton, West Virginia.

432. Male Community Song Group, Summers County, W. Va.