Search Results

See original for correspondence. Published by H.G. Zimmerman and Company. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

169. A Locust Avenue Residence; Fairmont, W. Va.

Published by Minksy Brothers and Company. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

170. East Side High School and Gymnasium; Fairmont, W. Va.

Published by Minsky Brothers and Company. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

171. Fairmont High School; Fairmont, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

172. Miner's Hospital, First Ward; Fairmont, W. Va.

published by I. Robbins and Son. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

173. High School; Fairmont, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

174. Fairmont Farms; Fairmont, W. Va.

(From postcard collection legacy system.)

175. Residence of Mr. and Mrs. C.O. Jackson; Fairmont, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

176. Fairmont Farms; Fairmont, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. Published by Fred G. Barlow. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

177. Fred W. Bartlett's Jersey Stock Farm; Near Mannington, W. Va.

(From postcard collection legacy system.)

178. Court House; Fairmont, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

179. Court House; Fairmont, W. Va.

Caption on back of postcard reads: "Listed in the National Register of Historic Places, Marion County Court House is located in downtown Fairmont. Since the formation of the county in 1842, only two Court houses have been located on this site." Published by Paige Creations. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

180. Marion County Court House; Fairmont, W. Va.