Search Results

A view looking down on Douglas Falls.  A railroad bridge is visible to the left of the falls.

1. Railroad Bridge and Falls Below Douglas Number 2, Tucker County, W. Va.

Men, women, and children hike below Douglas Falls in Tucker County, W. Va.

2. Hikers at the Falls Below Douglas Number 1, Tucker County, W. Va.

3. Tucker County Marker Between Oakland, M.D. and Thomas, W. Va. on U.S. Route 219

Postcard photograph includes three teams of horses pulling felled trees and a small child (unidentified) mounted on one team horse.

4. 'Wood Scene, R. Chaffey', Hauling Felled Trees, Tucker County, W. Va.

An unidentified man stands next to a car and several houses that were flooded when a stream, possibly Seneca Creek or White's Run, changed it's course during the 1985 flood in the area around Parsons, Elkins, Onego, and Mounth of Seneca, W. Va.

5. Stream Changed Course During the Flood of 1985

Debris, damaged cars, mud, and water remain in the street in front of the courthouse in Parsons, W. Va. The damage occurred during the November 1985 flood in the area around Parsons, Elkins, Onego, and Mounth of Seneca, W. Va.

6. Flooded Road in Front of the Courthouse in Parsons, W. Va.

Debris surrounds the damaged bridge and railroad tracks.  The damage occurred during the November 1985 flood in the area around Parsons, Elkins, Onego, and Mounth of Seneca, W. Va.

7. Debris and Damage on the Blackfork Railroad Bridge near Parsons, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.A caption on the back of the image reads: "John Thompson, brother of A. [Albert] Thompson, uncle to Geo. [George] B." and "Louise, adopted daughter [of] John Thompson."

8. John Thompson and His Adopted Daughter, Louise, Likely in Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.A forest fire near Davis, W. Va in the Spring of 1914.

9. A Forest Fire Near Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.Men are seen loading spruce logs for transportation to the mill. The engine seen was the first shay locomotive, number 142, on Thompson job.

10. Hand Loading Spruce Logs for Mill, Next to Shay Locomotive, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.View of Blackwater Canyon and Blackwater River during second growth.

11. "Blackwater Canyon, Second Growth" in Canaan Valley, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.The crew takes a meal break from building the Stringer Rail Road.

12. "Crew Building Stringer Rail Road" in Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley Community.The caption on the back of the image explains that it is a "general view, looking north."

13. Davis Pulp Mill in Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley Community.A landscape view of a tannery in Davis, W. Va.

14. Tannery, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley Community.A view of Benbush, W. Va.

15. Benbush, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community."This is a picture of Canaan Mountain taken near where the country store and Mountain View Motel is now located and shows how bare the mountain was after the timber was cut and it had been burned by fires. This picture was taken about 1910."

16. Canaan Mountain, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.Lester Viering, Frank Wheeler, Fred Viering, and unidentified man pose next to locomotive engine.

17. Men Pose Next To Locomotive Engine, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community."Left to right: William Long, Bunyan Long, 1894, Canaan Valley."

18. William Long and Bunyan Long, Canaan Valley, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.A skidder set, used for logging and lumber production, can be seen here overlooking the Blackwater Canyon.

19. View of Skidder Set in Blackwater Canyon, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.Unidentified people boating on Blackwater River during a Sunday afternoon.

20. Boating on Sunday on Blackwater, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.A farmer and his horses working in a field likely in Canaan Valley.

21. Farmer And Horses, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community."Making hay on Canaan Valley Glades close to town."

22. Making Hay on Canaan Valley Glades, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community."This hay cut and raked - shucked by hand"

23. Wild Hay, McDonald Glades, Canaan Valley, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.View of Lumber Railroad near Blackwater Falls covered in snow.

24. Lumber R.R., Blackwater Falls, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.Scenic view of logging track in Davis, W. Va.

25. Logging Track, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.A group of people recreate near the "Great Eastern on a dam above Davis, W. Va."

26. Afternoon Outing on the Dam above Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.Large group of unidentified people, men in left car and women in the right car, pose in train cars while taking the railroad to Blackwater Falls for a picnic.

27. Picnic to Blackwater Falls, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.Scenic view of Blackwater Falls.

28. Blackwater Falls, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.A group out for a Sunday picnic, near Davis poses with the train.

29. Group Poses near Train during Sunday Picnic at Blackwater, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.The Babcock Lumber and Boom Co. locomotive next to bridge crossing over W.M.

30. Babcock Lumber and Boom Co. Locomotive, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.Caption on back of image reads: "Early Blackwater."

31. Scenic View Of Blackwater Falls, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.Caption on back of photo reads: "Glade on Glade Run, 1906, McDonald Glade".

32. Glade on Glad Run, McDonald Glade, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.Two teamsters seen with four horses in a logging site in Davis, W. Va.

33. Teamsters at Logging Site, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.A farmer is seen here standing among his flock of sheep.

34. Farmer With His Flock Of Sheep, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.Four men are seen here standing inside Clapboard Mill.

35. Clapboard Mill, Blackwater Mill, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.Men and women are seen throughout the camp.Caption on back of photo reads: "Possibly Bob Eastman?"

36. Scene at Lumber Camp, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.Scenic view of railroad running through a forest.

37. Logging Railroad, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.Three men harvesting hay in Davis, W. Va.

38. Haymaking In The Glades, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker Country during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

39. View of the Blackwater River from Above the Splash Dam near Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker Country during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

40. The "Great Eastern" on the Blackwater River during a Motor Launch, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker Country during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

41. Wilson Family Canoeing on the Blackwater River, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker Country during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.Geo. [George] and Elsie Thompson canoe above the Splash Dam on the Blackwater River.

42. Geo. and Elsie Thompson Boating on Blackwater River near Splash Dam, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker Country during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.George B. Thompson came to Tucker County as part of the Blackwater Boom and Lumber Company working as a secretary and timekeeper while his uncles, Frank and J. F. Thompson, were among the first stockholders of the company. Eventually he was made manager of the company until its close in 1924. He and the Thompson family remained active in the community.

43. George B. Thompson's Home, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker Country during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

44. The National Bank Building in Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker Country during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

45. Postcard Showing Transformation of Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker Country during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

46. View of the Top of Hob Back Mountain near Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker Country during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.The Thompson family came to West Virginia and Tucker County in the late 1800's with the booming timber industry, taking advantage of Tucker County's forests. Albert Thompson of Philadelphia bought the J. L. Rumbarger Lumber Company which was the first lumber company in the area of Davis and Canaan Valley. He then established the Thompson Lumber Company, which later became the Blackwater Boom and Lumber Company. The mill contributed much to the economy and lumber boom of the 1900's, but closed down in 1924.

47. Thompson Lumber Company, Davis. W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker Country during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

48. Western Maryland Railway in Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker Country during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

49. C. J. Dealh's Blacksmith Shop in Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker Country during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

50. Looking Down Route 219 on Backbone Mountain, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker Country during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

51. View of Blackwater Canyon near Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker Country during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

52. Davis High School, Davis, w. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker Country during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

53. View Overlooking a Pulp and Paper Mill in Parsons, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker Country during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

54. A Pulp and Paper Mill in Parsons, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

55. Blackwater Hotel, Davis, W. Va

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

56. Blackwater Hotel, Davis, W. Va

This image is part of the Thomas Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The THompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

57. Hambleton Depot, Hambleton, W. Va

The overhead, or cableway skidder, used several different cables raised at both ends, from the skidder to trees above the loading area, and allowed loggers to raise log loads above ground obstructions in order to move them.This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

58. Overhead Skidder, Blackwater Canyon, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

59. Bird's Eye View of Parsons, W. Va

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

60. Bird's Eye View of Davis, W. Va

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.A caption on the back of the postcard reads: "Our house left corner, Chapman right."

61. Thomas Avenue, Davis, W. Va

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

62. View of Davis, W. Va

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

63. Babcock Skidder-Loader, Blackwater Canyon, Davis, W. Va

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.View of trains and bridge at Thomas, W. Va.

64. Davis Branch at Thomas, W. Va

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

65. 4th Street, Davis, W. Va

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.The image shows the Western Maryland train Depot No. 2 with passengers waiting for a train.

66. W. M. Depot No. 2, Davis, W. Va

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.An unidentified man stands with a large horse in the snow in Davis, W. Va.

67. Man and Horse Outside of Hyskil Livery Stable in Davis, W. va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.Unidentified men stand next to a snow and ice covered train on the Davis Branch of the W.M.R.R.

68. A Snow Covered Locomotive on the Western Maryland Railroad at Davis Branch, Davis, W. Va.

The Wayne Spiggle House is located where the Worden Restaurant sign is hanging. The subjects standing along the sidewalk are unidentified.This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

69. A Group Stands Near the Wayne Spiggle House on Thomas Avenue, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.This image is part of a post card sent to the Thompson family.

70. Rinehart Family in a Canoe, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.A view of the Scenery Along the W.M.R.R. shows a locomotive traveling next to a steep rock face.

71. Scenery Along the Western Maryland Railroad near Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

72. North Fork of Blackwater River near Douglas, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

73. A Man Fishing in an Unidentified Location, likely in Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

74. Blackwater Hotel, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

75. View Overlooking the Town of Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.View of logs in river near Babcock Lumber Company in Davis, W. Va.

76. Babcock Lumber Co., Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.View of Jenningston, W. Va., a small logging town.

77. View of Jenningston, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.View of Babcock Lumber Company and logs floating down river.

78. Babcock Lumber Co., Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.View of railroad and the tannery in Davis, W. Va.

79. U.S. Leather Co., Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

80. Aerial View of W. Va. Pulp and Paper Co., Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

81. W. Va. Pulp and Paper Co., Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

82. View of Lumber At Babcock Lumber Co., Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.A man is seen standing in a train next to the Box Factory.

83. View of Box Factory, Davis, W. Va.

Two men pose for a picture while transporting hay with horses and a cart.This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

84. Hallack Holcomb and Roy Cussin with Horses, Jim and Topsey, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered int he region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

85. Box Factory and Planing Mill, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered int he region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

86. Mill Pond in Davis, W. Va.

The overhead, or cableway skidder, used several different cables raised at both ends, from the skidder to trees above the loading area, and allowed loggers to raise log loads above ground obstructions in order to move them. The skidder in this image is shown moving several logs.This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

87. Overhead Skidder in Blackwater Canyon, W. Va.

The store is located on the right corner of the avenue.This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

88. Thompson Wilson Store on William Avenue, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

89. Fireman's Hall, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

90. Building Now Known as Ralph Good Store on Thomas Avenue, Davis, W. Va.

The hotel at this time was the Howard House.This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

91. Location of Warden's Hotel on Thomas Avenue, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

92. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Davis, W. Va.

This image shows an earlier view of this church. Later, the front of the building changed and people entered through the side entrance.This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

93. St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Davis, W. Va.

View of a Methodist Church in Davis.This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

94. M. E. Church in Davis, W. Va.

The residence is pictured in the center beside the lamp post.This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

95. C. F. Smith Residence on Kent Avenue, Davis, w. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.

96. A Lutheran Church in Davis, W. Va.