Search Results

Two unidentified admirals are pictured in their dress uniforms.

97. Admirals Visiting the U.S.S. West Virginia

Captain Spears and his inspecting party make a routine inspection.

98. Naval Officer Inspect Crew Aboard U.S.S. West Virginia

Kalbfus is welcomed by 8 side boys, full guard, and band as well as the orderly duty and the quartermasters.

99. Vice Admiral Kalbfus Returning Aboard the U.S.S. West Virginia

The old captain of the ship, William R. Furlong (right), stands beside the new captain of the ship, William O. Spears (left).

100. Captain W. R. Furlong and Captain W. O. Spears Aboard the U.S.S. West Virginia

Captain William Furlong peers out at the navigation bridge during a U.S.S. West Virginia voyage.

101. Captain W. R. Furlong on the Navigation Bridge of the U.S.S. West Virginia

The motor boat that carries the officers to and from shore idles beside the battleship.

102. Officers' Motor Boat Beside the U.S.S. West Virginia

The battleship out at sea.

103. U.S.S. West Virginia Crashing through Wave

Thick, black smoke billows from an unidentified battleship.

104. Battleship Laying Smoke Screen

Crew members hanging out of the West Virginia and in a smaller boat alongside attempt to right the overturned boat.

105. Capsized Sail Boat Off of U.S.S. West Virginia

A crowd awaits the U.S.S. West Virginia crew returning from a voyage. The boat on the left is the captain's "gig."

106. Navy Landing, Long Beach, Ca.

Group portrait of 4-H members, possibly members of the Mingo Tribe.

107. 4-H Campers, Likely Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

108. 4-H Family, Likely at Jackson's Mill, W. Va.