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Davis, a student at Southern Garrett High School, poses for his school photo.

121. Gary Davis, Oakland, Md.

Dixon, a student at Southern Garrett High School, poses for his school photo.

122. Dickie Dixon, Oakland, Md.

Davis was a corespondent for the Preston County News.

123. Jessie Davis, Sinclair Ridge, W. Va.

Drummond was a Methodist Minister. On the back of the photo, an inscription reads, "Yours truly. Dec. 1867. J. Drummond."

124. Portrait of James Henry Drummond

Pictured are Madison Daniels, Reverend Daniels, Dr. Hadie, and son.

125. Members of the Harper Family

126. Molly Denning

127. Portrait of Bart Dotson

Devore was from Wheeling, W. Va. and gained fame as a football player at United States Military Academy at West Point, N. Y.

128. Lieutenant Colonel Leland S. Devore

Text on back reads: "Probably 66th anniversary."

129. Franklin P. Dotson and Nancy Lieuema Clark Dotson

A portrait of Nancy Lieuema Clark Dotson at 47 years old. She lived 1857-1949.

130. Nancy Lieuema Clark Dotson

Left to right: Vashti Leah Johnson Dotson, Loxie Lee Dotson, Leonard Otis Dotson

131. Dotson Family

132. Leonard Otis Dotson and Vashti Leah Johnson Dotson