Search Results

Photographed from left to right.

49. Dr. Richard Heal, Dr. Charles E. Bennett, and Dr. Robert E. Sausen

A photograph of Dr. Wiles (center), County Health Agent, with others inspecting a gravel pit.

50. County Health Agent Wiles Inspecting a Gravel Pit

51. Dr. Frederick A. Ackroyd (right) and Dr. Richard A. Currie (left) at a Conference held at the West Virginia University Medical Center

52. Clay-Battelle Water District Meeting

A photograph of three young boys, the Blosser youngsters, as a musical group.  They organized a Cancer Crusade.

53. Blosser Youngsters Band

54. Col. Reynolds and Hewitt

55. Col. Reynolds and Pickens

56. Dr. Joshi and Mrs. Swentzel

John Corcoran is in the center.

57. Consol's John Corcoran and Two other Men at a Conference

David Jacobs (first on the right); Donovan Randolph (center)

58. Group of Men in Woodburn Circle

From left to right: W. O. Fullmer; Capt. Messenger of Morgantown; Gen. Williams of Charleston.

59. Soldiers Fullmer, Messenger, and Williams

60. Foster G. Mullenax, Jack Jackson and Joanna with West Virginia Ice Sculpture