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13. Dr. Ladwig Riding His Speeder Near Raine- Andrews Lumber Company, Evenwood, W. Va

'Photograph postcard of Dr. Ladwig on his at the mill. Notice the Clarksburg flag postmark.'

14. Dr. Ladwig on His Horse, Evenwood, W. Va

'Dr. Ladwig and his daughter, Cornelia. Dr Ladwig is pushing the pram, something few men did then, especially in a lumber or mining town. This say something about the man.'

15. Dr. Ladwig and His Daughter, Evenwood, W. Va.

Dr. Otto Ladwig (right) at the Raine-Andrews Lumber Company.

16. Dr. Ladwig and Mill Managers, Evenwood, W. Va.

'3. O.W. Ladwig, 6. L.R.F. Preysz'

17. Dr. Ladwig and Mill Managers, Evenwood, W. Va.

Dr. Ladwig's house can be seen in the far left of the photo.

18. View of the Mill and Town, Evenwood, W. Va.

Front Row: Arthur Thompson, Annovetta Newlon, Mrs. O. W. Ladwig, Dr. O. W. Ladwig, Margaret Hardway, John Porter Hardway. Back Row:Gertrude Hardway, Gladys Swisher, Laura Showalter, Josephine Hyre.

19. O. W. Ladwig Golden Wedding, W. Va.

20. Otto W. Ladwig, W. Va.

21. Portrait of Otto Ladwig, W. Va.

22. Infant Otto Ladwig, W. Va.

23. Portrait of Otto Ladwig, W. Va.

24. Dr. & Mrs. Otto Ladwig's 50th Anniversary, Clarksburg, W. Va.