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Coal cars run down the track in a preparation plant yard.

25. Coal Preparation Plant Yard

A pile of coal in a coal car.

26. Peacock Splint, Pittsburgh Coal

27. Coal Cargo Ship at Sea, Hampton Roads

Consolidation Coal Company Trucks and a crane on a bridge over piles of coal.

28. Phillips Down Station, Coal Storage

Miner operates a train of loaded cars from the Mathies Mine.

29. Transporting Loaded Mine Cars from Mathies Coal Mine

Miner drives a train of loaded coal cars from the entrance of Mathies Mine to the preparation plant.

30. Coal Moves from the Mathies Coal Mine to the Preparation Plant

Miner operates a train of coal cars loaded with raw coal departing from Consol Mine No. 32.

31. Raw Coal Exit at Consolidation Coal Company Mine No. 32

A miner operates a cart full of coal exiting the mine.

32. Coal Cars Exiting a Mine

33. Loaded Coal Cars

A miner operates a full coal cart down the track coming from Mathies Mine.

34. Coal Train Emerging from Mathies Mine

Two dogs harnessed to coal carts. About 1890, Ohio Coal Mine. This photograph is the property of Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Co.

35. Dogs in Harness, Ohio Coal Mine

36. Loading Coal at a Coal Preparation Plant