Search Results

A group of unidentified girls inspect the desserts left on the table.

133. Girls Examine Cakes at a Frozen Food Demonstration at the Girls' State 4-H Camp in Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

The two unidentified women pal around during the class.

134. A Woman Puts a Decorative Necklace on her Associate at a Frozen Food Demonstration at the Girls' State 4-H Camp, Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

A group listens to a panel discuss the dedication process. Subjects unidentified.

135. Dedication Ceremony of the Rural Electrification Building at Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

Photo postcard of the Monongalia cottage at the state 4-H camp in Weston.  See original for inscription.

136. Monogalia Co. Cottage, W.Va. State 4-H Camp

137. Mt. Vernon Dining Hall, W.Va. State 4-H camp

Photo postcard of a swimming pool at the state 4-H camp in Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

138. Swimming Pool, Jackson's Mill W.Va.

4-H campers about to swim in the pool at the state 4-H camp.

139. West Virginia 4-H Club, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

Dining hall at Jackson's Mill State 4-H camp and pool construction on the lawn.  The pool was completed in the summer of 1925.

140. Dining Hall and Pool Construction, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

Group portrait of 4-H members, possibly members of the Mingo Tribe.

141. 4-H Campers, Likely Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

142. 4-H Family, Likely Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

"These Mingo folks really can play and sing."  Campers likely belong to the Mingo Tribe.

143. 4-H Campers, Likely at Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

The girls are likely the leaders of their tribes.

144. Older Girls 4-H Camp, Likely Jackson's Mill, W. Va.