Search Results

85. Cherokee Tribe, Girls 4-H Camp, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

A scene from a party held at Jackson's Mill, participants are dressed for the occasion, child in center dressed as a clown.

86. 4-H Party at Jackson's Mill

87. State 4-H Camp, Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

88. American Flag and Bugler, State 4-H Camp, Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

Displays the goals each 4-H member strives to achieve.

89. Four-H Development, State 4-H Camp, Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

Boys' Blacksmith Shop, making "pounded hinges".

90. Boys at Work, State 4-H Camp, Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

Boys' making souvenirs from pieces of scrap wood.

91. Boys' at Woodwork Shop, State 4-H Camp, Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

4-H boys help develop a roadside market along the "new hard surface roads."

92. Roadside Market, State 4-H Camp, Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

Working hard to construct a model poultry house at Jackson's Mill.

93. Model Poultry House, State 4-H Camp, Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

Boys are setting up their own radio at camp.

94. Radio Set Up, State 4-H Camp, Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

"A demonstration in butchering was given to these farm lads in camp."

95. Butchering Demonstration, State 4-H Camp, Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

"A vigorous young bunch of life-savers practicing artificial respiration."

96. CPR Training, State 4-H Camp, Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.