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Football players show pre game enthusiasm before a West Virginia University Football Game. "Taylor Publishing Company, Job Number 07206, Picture Number 1, Page Number 190. West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia.'

13. WVU Football Team Prepares to Take the Field

14. WVU Football Team Scores a Touchdown

'Garrett Ford accepts a football award from Bill Evans, Sports Editor, Fairmont Times.'

15. WVU Football Player Garrett Ford Accepting an Award

Portrait of Garrett Ford, a running back on the West Virginia University Football Team, is running with the football.

16. WVU Football Player Garrett Ford

17. WVU Football Players on the Sidelines

18. WVU Football Players Co-Captains Allen McCine, Stan Lysick and Bill Sullivan

19. WVU Football Player Garrett Ford Tries to Get a Few More Yards

20. WVU Football Players During a Timeout

'The Chase.'

21. WVU Football Player (35) Runs with the Ball

22. WVU Football Player Garrett Ford (32) Has Trouble

23. WVU Cheerleaders Lead the Football Team onto the Field

24. WVU Football Action