Search Results

1765. Future Farmers of America Aurora Chapter Float in the Buckwheat Festival Parade, Preston County, W. Va.

1766. Future Farmers of America Aurora Chapter Float in the Buckwheat Festival Parade, Preston County, W. Va.

1767. Preston County Courthouse, Kingwood, W. Va.

1768. Buckwheat Festival Officials Edward C. Grase, Alton Anderson, Dr. Ernest Nesius and Joseph L. Morris, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

1769. 1912 Buick at Buckwheat Festival Classic Car Show, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

1770. Buckwheat Festival Queen Ceres, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

1771. Future Site of the Kingwood Public Library, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

Built in 1931.

1772. Rowlesburg City Hall and Fire Department, Preston County, W. Va.

1773. Unidentified Home or Hotel in Preston County, W. Va.

1774. Road Crew on Route 92, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

Alonzo D. Naylor on a float at the Terra Alta Parade.  Sign reads '102 years old today.'

1775. Terra Alta Parade, Preston County, W. Va.

1776. Fire Damage in Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.