Search Results

1849. Murdock Home, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

The American Legion building was later torn down to build the present day library in Preston County, West Virginia.

1850. American Legion Building, Preston County, W. Va.

Two youth leaders are looking at a display held by U.S. Air Force Serviceman Stewart at Camp Dawson in Preston County, West Virginia.

1851. Youths at Camp Dawson, Preston County, W. Va.

Miss Laura Lee McCoy warming up her Arabian mare for the fourth annual Albright Horse Show, August 12, 1962. This will be a 23 class event.

1852. Laura Lee McCoy Practicing for a Horse Show, Preston County, W. Va.

1853. Rowlesburg Boy Scout Troop 85 at Blackwater Falls, W. Va.

1854. Nicholas, Louise, 87, in her Garden, Preston County, W. Va.

1855. Kingwood Girl Scouts, Preston County, W. Va.

'Rowlesburg Boy Scout Troop 85', viewing Blackwater Falls, falls are nearly frozen over.'

1856. Rowlesburg Boy Scouts at Blackwater Falls, W. Va.

Miss Salley McCutcheon of Kingwood, putting her jumping horse 'Mike' through his paces at Misfit stables in preparation for the Fourth Annual Albright Horse Show to be held August 12, 1962 at 1:00 DST.

1857. Salley McCutcheon Practicing for the Horse Show, Preston County, W. Va.

1858. Kingwood High School Majorettes, Preston County, W. Va.

Members of the Valley Chapter Future Homemakers holding dolls and standing in front of a doll display.

1859. Valley Chapter Future Homemakers, Masontown, W. Va.

Left to right: Ludwik Bernatowicz, Patrick Bernatowicz, Bill Stone, and John Bernatowicz. The three Bernatowicz boys are brothers and all four boys were members of the Junior Stockmen 4-H Club.

1860. 4-H Club Members Show Their Steers at Buckwheat Festival, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.