Search Results

Two unidentified children pose together as they hold up small American flags, perhaps in celebration of Independence Day.  The flags appear to have 45 stars, indicating that this photo was taken between 1896 and 1907.

25. Children Holding American Flags, likely Preston County, W. Va.

Two girl twins in identical outfits pose with their pet dog.

26. Twins and Dog, Valley Point, W. Va.

A man, his wife, their three children and family pet relax on the lawn outside of their home.

27. Family Lounging on Lawn, likely Preston County, W. Va.

A young man and a boy pose with their hunting rifles. Beside them are two dogs.

28. Two Boys with Hunting Dogs, likely Preston County, W. Va.

A multi-generational family poses in front of a picket fence. Subjects unidentified.

29. Family Portrait, likely Preston County, W. Va.

Two young girls sit on a porch swing accompanied with their dolls.

30. Two Girls with Dolls on Porch, likely Preston County, W. Va.

An unidentified man belonging to Independent Order of Odd Fellow (IOOF) organization poses in a forest.

31. Member of Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Valley Point, W. Va.

A table is set with fine china and and prepared dishes for a large meal.

32. Dinner Table in Valley Point Home, Preston County, W. Va.

A child holds on to a glass baby bottle while posing for a picture.

33. Two Children and Lamb, likely Preston County, W. Va.

The organization, one of the oldest fraternal societies in America, was established in 1847 as the Junior Sons of America. In 1868, the organization was renamed the Patriotic Order Sons of America. Members are all native-born or naturalized American male citizens, 16 years and older, wishing to create brotherhood.

34. Members of Patriotic Order Sons of America, Albright, W. Va.

Four small children lead three horses out of the large, wooden stable.

35. Children at Horse Stable, likely Preston County, W. Va.

A young girl poses with her dolls outside in the snow.

36. Girl with Dolls, likely Preston County, W. Va.