Search Results

White Oak Fuel Co., Wingrove Mine - Tipple and Power House in Fayette County.

133. Tipple and Powerhouse at White Oak Fuel Company Wingrove Mine, Fayette County, W. Va.

Parral mine at Summerlee operated by Stuart Colliery Co. (Daily capacity -1200 tons.)

134. Parral Mine Tipple at Summerlee, W. Va., Stuart Colliery Company

Prudence mine, Fayette County, which began operating in 1900.  Daily capacity - 1000 tons coal.

135. Prudence Mine Tipple at Fayette County, W. Va.

Oakwood Steel Tipple loading coal cars.  Men standing on the coal in the cars.

136. Oakwood Mine Tipple

Collins Operation - tipple and coke ovens.  Collins Colliery Co., Fayette County.  Daily capacity 1200 tons, 125 tons.

137. Collins Colliery Company Tipple and Coke Ovens, Fayette County, W. Va.

Coal car under a tipple.  Men with horse drawn carriage also going under the tipple.

138. Coal Tipple

Coal Tipple with four coal cars underneath it.

139. Coal Tipple at Rock Lick, W. Va.

Coal tipple of Eureka C&C.  Large chute connected to tipple.

140. Coal Tipple of Eureka Coal and Coke Company

Timber piles around the Prosperity Mine and Tipple.

141. Prosperity Mine and Tipple

142. Tipple at Imperial, W. Va.

Summerlee tipple and surrounding buildings.

143. Coal Tipple at Summerlee, W. Va.

Tipple of the Raine Lumber and Coal Co. in Duo, W.Va.

144. Raine Lumber and Coal Company Tipple at Duo, W. Va.