Search Results

Agents from the U. S. Treasury Department, also known as "revenooers", pose around an illegal distillery.

25. Revenuers Uncover Illegal Still, Summers County, W. Va.

Revenuers, also known as "revenooers", inspect the illegal distillery located in the middle of the woods.

26. U. S. Treasury Department Agents Raid Moonshine Still, Pipestem District, Summers County, W. Va.

Willey pictured in a photo studio wearing a suit.

27. Sira Willey of Summers County, W. Va.

Charles Wood (left), Mason Lilly (middle) and Roscoe Keadle (right) are pictured walking home from their performance at Indian Mills School.

28. Musicians Outside of Professor Keadle's Home, Located at the Mouth of Buffalo Creek, W. Va.

First row, from left to right, is L. C. Davis; Lomer Davis; Charley Davis; Kinna Maddy.Second row, from left to right, is Jess Perdue; Charles W. Garten; Ose (?) Garten; Pearl Garrison; Floyd Belcher.Back row, from left to right, is Mr. Grant (organizer of lodge at Marie); W. T. Maddy; Haron Michael; Elmer or Emer Davidson; Hubert Light; Oscar Hutchinson.

29. Modern Woodmen Group, Summers County, W. Va.

From left to right is W. J. B. Simmons; Ronald Meadows; unidentified; P. J. Carr, Sen.; unidentified; Henry Harrison; unidentified; Dr. J. W. Stokes; Dr. Meador; unidentified; Dr. Buford McNeer. The men are pictured inside the Peck Building.

30. Group Portrait during What is Probably a Meeting of World War I Veterans, Hinton, W. Va.

Lemon, a World War I soldier, is pictured in front of a photo studio background.

31. John Tallon Lemon of Summers County, W. Va.

Pictured are two Summers County residents who belong to the Morris family. First names unknown.

32. Relatives of J. D. Morris, Summers County, W. Va.

Relatives of J. D. Morris pictured. One holds a gun while the other holds up a liquor bottle. First names are unknown.

33. Morris Family Members, Summers County, W. Va.

Male members of J. D. Morris family gather around to play cards.

34. Morris Boys, Summers County, W. Va.

The two men pictured are members of the J. D. Morris family.

35. Men Stand Outside a Merry-Go-Round Carousel, Summers County, W. Va.

On the back of the photograph is inscribed, "I'll always be waiting for you. Indeed I will."

36. Portrait of R. P. Neely, Pipestem Creek, Summers County, W. Va.