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1501. YWCA International Sale, West Virginia University

Shown here are two wreaths placed at the bottom of Mast in Memorial Plaza.  One wreath has 'A Tribute to President Kennedy from Foreign Students WVU'.

1502. Foreign Students' Tribute to President Kennedy, West Virginia University

A man places a wreath beside the mast of the U.S.S. West Virginia.

1503. Dedication Ceremony for the Mast of U.S.S. West Virginia at Memorial Plaza, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

7th from left Elvis J. Stahr, 11th from left President James G. Harlow and 12th from left Governor Smith.

1504. Inauguration of President James G. Harlow, West Virginia University

Olson was Miss March 1968.

1505. Playboy Playmate Gale Olson Visits University Shop, Morgantown, W. Va.

Betty Friedan is the author of 'The Feminine Mystique'.

1506. Betty Friedan Visits West Virginia University

1507. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. Being Introduced by John A. Caruso at Festival of Ideas, West Virginia Univesity

1508. Moscow Chamber Orchestra Performs at West Virginia University

Senator Edward Kennedy visits W. Va. for opening of Robert F. Kennedy Youth Center, shown here is the senator in front of a dedication plaque.

1509. Senator Edward Kennedy at Opening of Robert F. Kennedy Youth Center, Morgantown, W. Va.

Sargent Shriver (right) kickoff speaker for the Greater University Drive of 1966 with Dave Tork (left), Assistant Director of Development.

1510. Sargent Shriver Participates in the Greater University Drive, West Virginia University

John D. Rockefeller sits with students at Elizabeth Moore Hall; the lady with black hat and checkered coat (fourth from left) is Mrs. P.I. Reed.

1511. John D. Rockefeller, IV, Talks with Students at West Virginia University

1512. Kingston Trio Performs at West Virginia University