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Louis Johnson, National Commander of the American Legion, boards a United Air Lines flight from Cleveland to Chicago.

25. Legion Commander and Air Traveler

Louis Johnson pictured in a car with his wife Ruth Frances Maxwell Johnson and his daughters Lillian Maxwell Johnson and Katherine Ruth Johnson, likely during his tenure as National Commander of the American Legion.

26. Louis Johnson With His Family

Louis is pictured with his wife, Ruth.  They married in 1920.

27. Louis Johnson and Ruth Frances Maxwell Johnson

Louis and Ruth Johnson at the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Class of 1912, pictured at the foot of the Rotunda steps at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville.

28. Louis and Ruth Johnson at University of Virginia

The law school class of 1912 at the University of Virginia poses for a photograph on the steps of the Rotunda on the University's campus. Pictured in the upper left hand corner is Louis Johnson, later Secretary of Defense. Also pictured first row left to right: John Alan Maphis, Clarence Wagener, Col. H. Marbury Taylor, William N. Neff, and Dr. Samuel S. Irvin.  Second Row: Seth Burnley, Judge C. K. Richards, Richard H. Akers, John B. Hyde, Dudley Bagley.  Third Row: Col. Louis A. Johnson, Peyton Randolph Harris, E. Bradford Tazewell, Dr. Cary Jacob.

29. Fifty Year Reunion, University of Virginia Class of 1912

President Franklin Roosevelt pictured with Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Assistant Secretary of Defense Louis A. Johnson, and an unidentified man.

30. President Roosevelt and Others

31. Election of Louis Johnson as National Commander of the American Legion, Portland, Or.

Text on the back reads: "Charles Edison, Assistant Secretary of the Navy; President Roosevelt; and Louis Johnson, Assistant Secretary of War, as the President made an inspection of various types of aircraft at Army's Bolling Field and Naval Air Station."

32. President Roosevelt Inspects Army and Navy Aircraft, Washington, D. C.

President Roosevelt is shown posing in the presidential limousine in front of officers and an army aircraft with Assistant Secretary of the Navy Charles Edison (back of middle seat) and the Assistant Secretary of War Louis Johnson (beside Edison), among others. The president inspected aircraft at the Army's Bolling Field and the Naval Air Station.

33. President Roosevelt Inspects Army and Navy Aircraft, Washington, D. C.

Text on the back reads, "When Assistant Secretary of War, Col. Louis Johnson was famous as hard worker, hard driver. During preparations for important mission to aid India in fighting off Japanese, the telephone in his Washington apartment was seldom silent." Johnson served as the President's personal representative in India in 1942.

34. Colonel Louis Johnson Prepares to Travel to India, Washington, D. C.

Assistant Secretary of War Louis Johnson (center, bareheaded) attends the opening of an airline at the Harrison County Airport, now known as the Benedum Airport.

35. Assistant Secretary of War Louis Johnson at Harrison County Airport, Clarksburg, W. Va.

36. Louis and Ruth Johnson's Residence, Clarksburg, W. Va.