Search Results

Unidentified workers and equipment are scattered across the construction site.

49. Avis Bridge Under Construction, Hinton, W. Va.

Construction equipment sits beside the newly constructed bridge. The setting is the site of the future Bluestone High Bridge. In the background is the Meador home.

50. Bluestone Low Bridge Undergoing Construction at Mouth of Bluestone Creek, True, W. Va.

An unidentified man is caught with his pants unbuttoned.

51. Man Pulling Up Pants After Urinating Off Bridge Outside of Hinton, W. Va.

Two unidentified women stand on the wooden bridge watching over the two pigs.

52. Two Women with Pigs on Bridge Above Creek, Summers County, W. Va.

Three unidentified men put their arms around each others shoulders while posing on the bridge.

53. Men Pose on Bridge Over New River, Hinton, W. Va.

The photograph is titled, "Irish Nut." An unidentified man sits on the railing while holding his hat.

54. Man Sitting on Railing of Bridge, Hinton, W. Va.

The photo is captioned, "3 Crooks."

55. Three Men Posing Beside Railing of Bridge Outside of Hinton, W. Va.

Looking from across the river to the city of Hinton.

56. Bridge to Hinton, W. Va.

View overlooking New River and the city of Hinton.

57. Aerial View Looking Southwest over Hinton, W. Va.

View overlooking the winding New River and the city of Hinton.

58. Aerial View Looking North over Hinton, W. Va.

Few buildings and homes scatter the town of Bellepoint, located beside the city of Hinton. A sign reads, "Watch Bellepoint Grow."

59. Looking at Bellepoint from Across River, Summers County, W. Va.

Looking from Hinton, W. Va. to the small town of Brooklin.

60. Bridge Leading to Brooklin Area, Across from Hinton, W. Va.