Search Results

"Old and Useless made New and Useful," Display features clothing and household items that have been repaired or made from other items.

2353. 4-H Club Girls Display

Three women sitting in a meeting.

2354. West Virginia Farm Women

Two American Legion members are on the stage with Louis A. Johnson, who was the national commander of the American Legion in 1932.

2355. Louis A. Johnson Makes a Speech

Photo proof photo of Johnson.

2356. Portrait Louis A. Johnson

Plot measured, planted and cared for by Corn Club Member Raymond Taylor.

2357. Corn Club Plot, Clay County, W. Va.

2358. Young Child at Inspiration Point

Reverse of photo reads: "The only purebred beef bull in Kanawha County when B. B. Ezell began as county agent."

2359. County Agent with Purebred Beef Bull, Kanawha County, W. Va.

Eleanor Bigelow, Jessie Davis and Eleanor Talbott demonstrating to a group of New England state 4-H leaders at the Eastern State Exposition how West Virginia boys and girls earn their 4-H's.

2360. 4-H Demonstration, Springfield, MA

2361. Louis and Ruth Johnson's Residence, Clarksburg, W. Va.

2362. Randolph County Cottage, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

Group of 4-H members pose in front of cottage as late stages of construction are completed.

2363. Monroe County Cottage, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

2364. Dedication of Calhoun County Cottage at Jackson's Mill, W. Va.