Search Results

Virgie Cook Lilly and Etha Freeland Lilly pose beside a young Juanita Lilly.

25. Lilly Women on Surveyor's Branch, Summers County, W. Va.

Pictured from left to right is Joseph Neely, Russell Neely, and Julian Neely.

26. Neely Men of Summers County, W. Va.

Family of James L. & Mary E. Lilly gathered for a group photo. Seated from left to right is James Lewis Lilly, Margaret E. Lilly, and Mary E. Walthall Lilly. Standing is Walter T. Lilly, Verlie Lilly Taylor, Nellie Lilly Pitzer, Ollie Lilly and Josie Lilly Dennis.

27. Lilly Family Portrait in Madams Creek, W. Va.

Grant Lilly and his wife pictured with their four children, three girls and one boy.

28. Grant Lilly and Family, Summers County, W. Va.

James and his wife Mary Eliza Walthall pictured together.

29. James Lewis and Mary E. Lilly, Madams Creek, W. Va.

In the very front of the photo is Naomi Ruth Dennis, age 2. Seated from left to right is Walter T. Lilly, Mary E. "Molly" Lilly, Margarette Louise Whitten Lilly, and James L. Lilly holding Aubrey C. Lilly, age one.Standing in the back is Emberry S. Taylor, Verlie Lilly Taylor, Clarence W. Dennis, Josie Lilly Dennis, Margaret E. Lilly, Charles Edgar Pitzer, and Nelly Lilly Pitzer holding Margaret Pitzer, age 2.

30. James L. & Mary E. Lilly Family Portraits, Madams Creek, W. Va.

Children of Jefferson L. "Bun" and Mary Lilly. In the back row, from left to right, is Floyd, Lena (Oakley), Prince, Orpha, Beecher, and Margaret. Bottom row is Nola, Oris, Granvil, Cosby, and Clarice. Oldest son, Oliver, is not pictured.

31. Family Portrait of Lilly Children, Hinton, W. Va.

Jefferson and his wife, Mary, pictured outside a home. The two are the parents of Prince O. Lilly.

32. Jefferson Levi "Bun" and Mary Catherine Lilly, Hinton, W. Va.

Pictured standing from left to right is Walter, George, Harry, Roy, Frank, Raymond, and Cecil.

33. Sampson Brothers of Summers County, W. Va.

Family members of James H. Miller are pictured on the sidewalk in front of a home.

34. Miller Women, Bellepoint, W. Va.

Family members pictured outside the home and along the porch. Subject unidentified.

35. Richmond Family Outside of Home in New Richmond, W. Va.

The family, who's members are unidentified, sit outside of their home and on the lawn.

36. Richmond Family Portrait, Hinton, W. Va.