Search Results

Pictured are the unidentified family members of Pack in front of their home in Jumping Branch District.

73. Relatives of Bessie Pack, Summers County, W. Va.

View of the reverend's home which is located in the True section of Pipestem District.

74. Reverend C. D. Guthridge Home, True, W. Va.

An unidentified man enjoys the weather while sitting on his porch furniture.

75. Hinton Home, Hinton, W. Va.

Smith and Alley pose outside of the home which overlooks New River and the C.  & O. Railroad Yard on the West End of Hinton, W. Va.

76. Pat Smith and Sarah Pauline Alley Outside of Alley Home, Hinton, W. Va.

The home the two are pictured at overlooks New River and the C. & O. Railroad Yard.

77. Sarah Pauline Alley Holding Pat Smith Gore Outside of Alley Home, Hinton, W. Va.

Pictured is either George Ballengee or his son, Levi, with his wife.

78. Ballengee Couple Outside of their Home in Avis-Hinton, W. Va.

On the back of the photograph is inscribed, "Father and Mother, Bertha and Hattie, Homer and Lacy, Bill Casto."

79. Graham Home, Clayton, W. Va.

A row of homes on Summers Street, located between 4th and 5th Avenues. The third house to the right was the Harris home.

80. Residential Area in Hinton, W. Va.

View of the red brick home from across the lawn.

81. Harrison Gwinn Home in Green Sulphur Springs, Summers County, W. Va.

In the background, the C. & O. Commissary is pictured. The home is located on the corner of 5th Avenue and Summers Street.

82. Mrs. Robert Murrell Playing an Instrument On Flanagan-Murrell Home Steps, Hinton, W. Va.