Search Results

A small C. & O. railway cart is pictured on one of the many sets of track.

37. Meadow Creek Station, Summers County, W. Va.

View of the building from down the road. Here, they bottled spring water.

38. Pence Spring Bottling Works, Summers County, W. Va.

A group of unidentified people are pictured beside their parked automobiles outside the building where a spring runs through the outdoor deck.

39. Pence Spring Grounds, Summers County, W. Va.

Back of the  postcard reads, "Pence Springs Hotel--a mountain resort in the beautiful Alleghaneys--is equipped with every modern convenience of the city hotel. Home garden, excellent cuisine, splendid service, famous mineral water. Orchestra, dancing, golf, tennis, swimming, fishing, horseback riding, motoring, marvelous scenery. Located on main line of c. & O. Railway and the Atlantic & Pacific Highway."

40. The Pence Spring, Pence Springs, W. Va.

Smoke billow from the locomotive as it speeds across the tracks.

41. Engine Pulling Train near Sandstone, W. Va.

View of the waterfalls along New River.

42. Sandstone Falls in Low Tide, Summers County, W. Va.

The waterfalls along New River pictured in the distance.

43. Sandstone Falls in Background, Summers County, W. Va.

Stokes pictured walking into the Laing Humphries building entrance where Citizens Bank used to be located.

44. Dr. J. W. Stokes Entering His Office, Hinton, W. Va.

View of home lived in by Harold, son of Edward Calvin Eagle.Edward C. Eagle served on the local Hinton bar for nearly a quarter of a century after paying his way through West Virginia University. Mr. Eagle served his first term as prosecuting attorney of Summers County from 1902 to 1904 and for the following twenty years was the United States commissioner at Hinton. In 1920, he was elected prosecuting attorney on a platform that called for the suppression of moon-shining and law-breaking in general.

45. Harold Eagle Home on Ballengee Street, Hinton, W. Va.

Keller pictured by the small-scale waterfalls below the city.

46. Bob Keller at Falls below Hinton, W. Va.

Two men in the background walk along the river bank.

47. View Below City Looking Across New River, Hinton, W. Va.

View of Robert Summers Neely home located on Ballengee Street. Neely was a local dentist and chairman of the republican county committee.

48. Dr. Neely's Home, Hinton, W. Va.