Search Results

13. Scott King, West Virginia University

14. Cheerleaders Dot Stuart and Lynn Plummer, West Virginia University

Patty Babcheck and Ken Potter.

15. Orchesis Dance Ensemble Members, West Virginia University

Left to Right: Patty Babcheck, Johnette Evans, Unknown, Unknown.

16. Orchesis Dance Ensemble Members, West Virginia University

17. Orchesis Dance Ensemble, West Virginia University

In the middle is Judy Valentine.

18. Orchesis Dance Ensemble Members, West Virginia University

1st Row: J.F. Simon, J.A. Halley, K.M. Gamble, R.L. Higgins, Bandmaster, R.B. Dail, Advisor; 2nd Row: R.L. Pethal, J. R. Dalton, S.J. Abersold, M.G. Nixon 3rd Row: D.N. Desrosiers, J.O. Hall, J.A. McLean, L.G. Kopelman; 4th Row: J.H. Quagliotti, W.H. Welliver, A.C. Scudiere, J.M. Potter; 5th Row: J.N. Parkinson, R.T. Kleinkauf, L.O. Ford.

19. Army ROTC Band, West Virginia University

20. ROTC Air Force Angel Flight, West Virginia University

Members of Army ROTC Drill Team pose for a camera: First row:  Kevin Taylor, Joe Gonzales; Second row: Joe Korzeniowski, Tom Nega, Brentz Thompson; Third row: Steven Schmidt, Jan Callen, Kenneth Lemke, Richard Kleinkauf.

21. Army ROTC Drill Team, West Virginia University

22. Governor Cecil Underwood Visits West Virginia University

23. Author Jean Hollet Speaks at West Virginia University

Author Jean Hollet surrounded with students who want his autograph at a book signing event.

24. Author Jean Hollet at a Book Signing Event at West Virginia University