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Trucks loaded with scrap metal, driving through town. Many citizens pitched in to support the war effort by collecting materials for recycling.

109. World War II Scrap Metal Drive, Grantsville, W. Va.

Collecting scrap metal in the back of trucks. Calhoun County citizens aided the war effort by collecting scrap metal to be receycled into miltary needs. The John Deer Company encouraged farmers to "Sink a sub from your farm, bring in your scrap metal".

110. World War II Scrap Metal Drive, Grantsville, W. Va.

Scrap metal in the back of trucks roll through town. Scrap drives were prompted to involve citizens for morale purposes as well as helping the war effort.

111. World War II Scrap Metal Drive, Grantsville, W. Va.

Bystanders watch trucks go by with collected scrapmetal in the back.

112. World War II Scrap Metal Drive, Grantsville, W. Va.

The Army Specialized Training Program was a military training program instituted by the United States Army during World War II at eleven American Universities, including West Virginia University. It was created to meet wartime demands for junior officers and soldiers with technical skills. These students pictured gather on campus for one more time before departing.

113. Coeds Mingle With ASTP Students on Eve of Departure, Morgantown, W. Va.

One of the first contributions made to the University's War effort was assuming responsibility for the food service and the University Health Center, where sick ASTP students and air cadets were given care.

114. Pre-Professional Dietitians Feed Sick ASTP Boys, Morgantown, W. Va.

A raumbild-verlag (stereocard) image of a historic German structure, before the it was destroyed by Allied bombs during World War II.

115. House of the Weavers, Augsburg, Germany

A rambild-verlag (stereocard) of a historic Augsburg building gutted by the Allied bombing during World War II.

116. House of Weavers Burned Out, Augsburg, Germany

A raumbild-verlag (stereocard) of a historic Munich building before Germany was bombed during World War II.

117. Interior of Baroque Residence Theatre in Munich, Germany

A raumbild-verlag (stereocard) of the destroyed theater after the Allied attacks during World War II

118. Residence Theatre in Ruins, Munich, Germany

A raumbild-verlag (stereocard) of a historic Munich building before Germany was bombed during World War II.

119. Throne-Hall in Kings Residence, Munich, Germany

A raumbild-verlag (stereocard) of a historic Munich building after Germany was bombed during World War II.

120. Throne-Hall in Kings Residence After Bombing; Munich, Germany