Search Results

'Henry Wilson, the Independent's Office Force, 1909.'

157. Greenbrier Independent Office Staff, Lewisburg, W. Va.

'1. B. F. Warlow, 2. M. W. Zimmerman, 3. Sam'l C. Bright, 4. Ed S. Warren, 5. George F. Argabrite, 6. Floyd G. Warren, 7. James G. Hudson, 8. Robert L. Warren.'

158. Greenbrier Independent Corps, Lewsiburg, W. Va.

Children and adults outside of the Lewisburg Female Institute.

159. Lewisburg Female Institute, Lewisburg, W. Va.

160. Monument Outside of a Church, Lewisburg, W. Va.

Old stone church with shutters closed on the windows.  Grave yard outside of the church.  Lewisburg, W. Va.

161. Old Stone Church, Lewisburg, W. Va.

"The only Episcopal Church and Rectory ever erected and used up to the present in Lewisburg.  Its principal donor in its erection and supporter was Mrs. Carrie Bloomer of Washington, D.C."

162. Episcopal Church, Lewisburg, W. Va.

163. Old Stone Church, Lewisburg, W. Va.

'Inside view of the Old Stone Church in Lewisburg with small pipe organs.'

164. Interior View of Old Stone Church, Lewisburg, W. Va.

The front of the Old Stone Church of 1796-1931 in Lewisburg, West Virginia.

165. Old Stone Church, Lewisburg, W. Va.

Laura Matthews' grave decorated by students of the Lewisburg Female Institute.

166. Laura Matthews' Grave, Lewisburg, W. Va.

'Order of excercises. 10 a.m.- Formation of Grand Lodge at the Lodge Rooms. 11 a.m.- Exercises Attendant upon the Laying of the CORNER-STONE by the Masons: 1. Prayer by Rev. John C. Brown. 2. LAYING of CORNER-STONE. 3. Address by Hon. R. T. W. Duke, of Charlottesville, Va. A Basket Dinner will be served by the Ladies in the Presbyterian Church-yard.  Everybody cordially invited to partake of their hospitality. DO NOT WAIT TO BE INVITED. Come foreward as soon as Dinner is ready and retire as soon as served so as to give place at the Tables for others.  THE DINNER IS PROVIDED BY THE LADIES WITHOUT CHARGE. Music by the 'STONEWALL' BAND, of Staunton, Va.'

167. Program for Laying of Corner Stone of the Lewisburg Female Institute Buildings

A group of people stand outside of a large brick building.

168. Lewisburg Female Institute, Lewisburg, W. Va.