Search Results

Pictured left to right; Anne Sharpe, Betty Pokrywka, Patty Sullivan, Mrs. J.E. Spafford, MaryEllen Martin and Margie Spear around a cannon.

25. Anne Sharpe, Betty Pokrywka, Patty Sullivan, Mrs. J.E. Spafford, Mary Ellen Martin and Margie Spear, Preston County, W. Va.

26. Nurses Handing out Oral Polio Vaccine, Preston County, W. Va.

Two Unidentified Phillips Petroleum Co. Employees.

27. Drilling For Gas, Preston County, W. Va.

Pictured left to right; Mrs. James Wilkinson (secretary-publicity director), Mrs. Thomas Saul (county chairwoman) and Mrs. Robert Knight (fund raising chairwoman).

28. Officers of the John Barton Payne Annual Red Cross Drive, Preston County, W. Va.

Pictured left to right; Richard Hurt, Albie Cross, Howard Spory (foreman), and Kenneth VonMeler.  All college students working this past summer as a change out crew.  They changed out manual sets to new dial sets.

29. Change Out Crew, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

Pictured left to right; A.J. Anderson (Preston County Coop. ext. agent), Mr. and Mrs. David Stemple and Aurora L. Bush Swisher (FBI project director).

30. Anderson, A. J. with Mr. and Mrs. David Stemple and Aurora Swisher, Preston County, W. Va.

Four unidentified women pose with the food.

31. Kingwood Hospital Auxillary Smorgasboard, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

Standing, left is J. W. Ruby, the founder of Ruby Sterling Farms. The others are not identified.

32. Horse Show Officials at Ruby Sterling Farm, Reedsville, Preston County, W. Va.

Directors and Officers of the Allegheny Power System toured the Monongahela Power Company service area Sept. 21-23.  Pictured at Lakeview Country Club they are left to right; Harold F. Butler (director), Charles B. Finch (ABS vice president), G. B. Hoffman (EHV project director), Norman Laughlin (public relations director--Monongahela), Hugh D. McDowell (APS vice president and secretary), E. Wallace Wilkinson (APS vice president and treasurer), Donald M. Kammert (Monongahela president), Francis H. May Jr. (director), George F. Schurman (director),  Robert J. MacDonald (West Penn Power Executive vice president), Benjamin Bennett (West Penn Power secretary and treasurer), Edward H. Walworth Jr. (director), J. Lee Rice Jr. (APS president), Charles D. Lyons (Potomac Edison President), Earle S. Thompson (chairman of the board), William A. Lyon (director), Harold Fetty (Monongahela representative), J. M. McCardell (Potomac Edison vice president), Joseph H. Taggart (director), Walter McKinney  (Monongahela representative), Allen Kenyon (APS controller)and James Wilt (Morgantown Division Manager).

33. Directors and Officers of the Monongahela Power Company, Fort Martin, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Pictured on the far left; Lee J. Rice Jr.  Pictured sixth from the right is W. Truslow Hyde Jr.  Pictured fifth from the right is C. R. Nailer.  Pictured third from the right is Don Potter.

34. Fort Martin Power Plant Visitors on Consol's Tow-Boat--the R. L. Ireland, Fort Martin, Monongalia County, W. Va.

"The rectangle in the center of the picture above marks the location of Fort Martin Power Station, the first unit of which is scheduled for completion in 1967.  The unit will cost $57.5 million, will have a generating capability of 500,000 kilowatts and will burn about 1,350,000 tons of coal per year, all of which will come from mines in the immediate area.  The plant will be about three-quarters of a mile upstream from the Pennsylvania state line."

35. Aerial View of Site of Fort Martin Power Plant, Monongalia County, W. Va.

36. Coal Uploading Facility at Fort Martin Power Plant, Monongalia County, W. Va.