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Photo of students at desks in classroom, likely taken in March, 1907.

157. Students in Classroom

Shields was the body servant of Colonel James Kerr Edmondson, Company H, 27th Virginia Infantry, "Stonewall Brigade" during the Civil War. Shields, shown here wearing several medals awarded to him by Confederate Veterans Groups, claimed to have also cooked for General Thomas "Stonewall " Jackson.

158. Jefferson Shields, Former Body Servant and Confederate Veteran, Lexington. Va.

Shields was the body servant of Colonel James Kerr Edmondson, Company H, 27th Virginia Infantry, "Stonewall Brigade" during the Civil War. Shields, shown here wearing several medals awarded to him by Confederate Veterans Groups, claimed to have also cooked for General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson.

159. Jefferson Shields, Former Body Servant and Confederate Veteran, Lexington. Va.

This column of coal was designed by Neil Robinson of Charleston, W. Va. for the 1907 Jamestown Ter-centennial Exhibition, held in Norfolk, Virginia.

160. West Virginia Coal Column, Jamestown Exposition Grounds, Va.

161. WVU Baseball Team at Devil's Den, Gettysburg, P. A.

Front: "Fan after the Explosion Monongah, W.Va" Back: "See if you can find grandpa on this card. To Fred from Aunt Lessie."

162. Remains of Monongah Mine No.18 after Disaster

People gathering to look at where the only living man was found from the 1907 Monongah Mine Disaster.

163. Onlookers looking at a Mine Disaster

Fan house at Monongah Mine No.8 after the explosion. Back: "This is the most terrible explosion of its kind that ever happened in the U.S. We were up yesterday. Will write in a few days. It shook here considerably. [illegible]" To Mr. Okey May in Terra Haute, Indiana.

164. Monongah Mine No.8 Fan House after Explosion

People look upon the remains of Monongah Mine collapse.

165. The Ruins of Monongah Mine No.10

Remains of a decimated coal cart recovered from the No. 8 Monongah Mine.

166. Destroyed Coal Carts from Monongah Mine No.8

Postcard of Monongah Mine No.8.

167. Monongah Mine No.8

Postcard of homes in Monongah, WV.

168. Monongah Mining Station