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View of the Agricultural Engineering Building, Agricultural Sciences Building, Forestry Building, the dormitories and the Engineering Building under construction.

109. Evansdale Campus, West Virginia University

'West Virginia University's Evansdale Campus -- one of the three Morgantown campuses -- sprawls from the banks of the Monongahela River almost to the Medical Center. Buildings shown (from river to foreground) are the Coliseum (under construction,) the Creative Arts Center, the Engineering Sciences Center and the Agricultural Sciences Building.'

110. Aerial View of Evansdale Campus, West Virginia University

'Towers Dormitory and Forestry Building under construction, Agricultural Sciences Building, Engineering Building, and Agricultural Engineering Building.'

111. Aerial View of Evansdale Campus, West Virginia University

'WVU new Agricultural Engineering Campus financed from $10,000,000 issue ready (?) 1961.'

112. Engineering, Agricultural Engineering Buildings and Surrounding Area, West Virginia University

'Top to bottom: Medical Center, Twin Towers (under construction), Forestry Building (under construction), Agricultural Engineering Building.'

113. Aerial View of Evansdale Campus, West Virginia University

Winter scene on campus in front E. Moore Hall.

114. Students Crossing University Avenue Stopped on Grumbein Island, West Virginia University

115. View Looking up University Avenue in front of Stewart Hall (Library), West Virginia University

116. Lawn and Trees on the Hill below Woodburn Hall, West Virginia University

Commencement Hall also visible on the left.

117. Looking up through the Trees at Stewart Hall, West Virginia University

The building on the right is Martin Hall, and the wooded area beyond is the future building site of Elizabeth Moore Hall.

118. Elizabeth Moore Hall Building Site, West Virginia University

A winter view of campus from left Agricultural Experiment Station, Martin Hall, Woodburn Hall and Science Hall (Chitwood).

119. Wintry View of West Virginia University and Morgantown, W. Va.

Looking down on Woodburn Circle from Fife Street: from left to right--Agricultural Experiment Station, Martin Hall and Woodburn Hall.

120. Campus View from Fife Street, West Virginia University