Search Results

37. Rooftop of Salt Works Building

Salt works buildings and salt workers. Cows visible in the foreground.

38. Brook Salt Furnace.

A Salt Rake in use.  After the salt rake was installed, the salt was raked up automatically. (Steam went through under rake heating the brine)

39. Salt Rake

Where calcium chloride is made. The evaportating tank with coil in tank.  The calcium is drained out below and became solid.

40. Calcium Chloride Tank

41. Salt Works Buildings

Barn with a tractor parked beside it as well as a salt dryer building at Dickinson Salt Works.

42. Barn and Salt Dryer at Dickinson Salt Works

Picture of storage building for off grade salt. This salt is used for unfreezing highways since it has more impurities in it.

43. Storage Building for Off Grade Salt

44. Grainer at Salt Works in Kanawha Valley

Salt grainer vats. Salt was lifted out of vats and drained.

45. Salt Grainer Vats

Salt works buildings in the background and a field in front.

46. Salt Dryer and Barn

47. Salt Well and Salt Dryer

A smoke stack on the right billows steam or smoke, with a processing building in the center.

48. Salt Hopper