Search Results

Two young boys examine the small replica of a dairy farm. Subjects unidentified.

13. Holstein Exhibition at a Dairy Show in an Unidentified Location

Two men examine holstein cattle.

14. Judging Holsteins at a Dairy Show

The King and Queen court members pose together for a group photo.

15. King and Queen Court at a Dairy Show in an Unidentified Location

The coronation court members pose together for a group photograph.

16. Coronation Court at a Dairy Show in an Unidentified Location

A young girl and boy pose together for a photo. Subjects unidentified.

17. Members of the King and Queen Court at a Dairy Show in an Unidentified Location

Young girls carry the cape train as the health King and Queen proceed through the room.

18. A Procession of the Health King and Queen at a Dairy Show in an Unidentified Location

A young boy and girl sit together while posing for a photo.

19. Members of the Coronation Court Pose Sit Together on the Bleachers

The health King and Queen pose together on the stage. Subjects unidentified.

20. Health King and Queen at a Dairy Show in an Unidentified Location

A crowd is gathered on the outskirts of the exhibition ring.

21. Spectators at a Dairy Show in an Unidentified Location

Participants and spectators at the dairy show eat together.

22. Attendees Dining at a Dairy Show in an Unidentified Location

Five unidentified women wash and brush the dairy cattle before the exhibition.

23. Women Bathing Cows before Dairy Show in an Unidentified Location

A group of dairymen meet together during the exhibit.

24. Dairymen Meeting at a Dairy Show in an Unidentified Location