Search Results

Charles wears the clothing of his recently deceased grandfather, William Alexander Wood. In the forefront of the photograph is the family dog, "Old Shep".

25. Charles P. Wood Pictured in Grandfather's Clothes near Warford, W. Va.

Portrait of a young Lemon.

26. Junior Lemon of True, W. Va.

Male members of J. D. Morris family gather around to play cards.

27. Morris Boys, Summers County, W. Va.

A relative of J. D. Morris is pictured on a bike.

28. Boy Riding a Bicycle, Summers County, W. Va.

A young Neely pictured in a snow-covered field.

29. Ernest Neely of Pipestem Creek, Summers County, W. Va.

William is the son of John Alley, who is the uncle to Mary Emma Smith Trail.

30. Young William Alley of Summers County, W. Va.

Four boys in their Boy Scout uniforms lead their troop down the street. Subjects unidentified.

31. Boy Scout Troop 115 Marches Down the Street During the Army Day Parade, Hinton, W. Va.

A scowling Spina, left, and his friend Coste, right, stand outside of a clothing shop.

32. Mike Spina and Jimmy Coste Pictured on Temple Street, Hinton, W. Va.

The boys stand below a sign that reads, "Willard Storage Batteries." Subjects unidentified.

33. A Group of Boys Posing Outside of a Store in Hinton, W. Va.

Group portrait of the Hinton High School Boys' Basketball Team, featuring R. Harford (Captain & Forward), C. Harford (Forward), Falconer (Center), Fox (Guard), and Seldomridge (Guard).The team finished the season 9-9, with a total of 646 points scored.

34. High School Basketball Team, Hinton, W. Va.

Swimmers are likely in the Guyandotte River.

35. Group of Men and Boys Swimming, Pineville, Wyoming County, W. Va.

An unidentified boy sits on top of a set of logs which is stacked on top of a truck.

36. Boy Sitting on Truck Load of Logs near Barger Springs, Summers County, W. Va.