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13. Corps of Cadets Officers, West Virginia University

14. Corps of Cadets Muster on Athletic Field, West Virginia University

Major James M. Lee commandant on far right poses with his cadets officers. Standing next to the Major is Robert Hall Armstrong, Adjutant.

15. Commandant Major James M. Lee and Cadet Officers, West Virginia University

Group portrait of WVU military unit staff.

16. Corps of Cadets Staff, West Virginia University

17. Students, One a Cadet, Playing Leapfrog, West Virginia University

18. Corps of Cadets Commissioned Staff, West Virginia University

A photograph of a military unit engaged in training exercises with onlookers along the perimeter.

19. Cadets Undergo Weapons Training, West Virginia University

20. Cadet Band, West Virginia University

The photo is from a booklet, 'West Virginia University and its Picturesque Surroundings, 1901.'

21. Officers of the Corps of Cadets, West Virginia University

'Walter Mestrezat 3rd from left seated'

22. Corps of Cadets Band, West Virginia University

Left to right: Paul McKinney, John. M. Brewster, Raymond Gaddis, Two Jenkins Brothers, Thos. Bunter, "Bun" Ireland, G. Ralph Maxwell, Louis Marvin, Arthur Richardson, Stanley Ray White, Paul R. Maxwell, Leo E. Stenger, and Cyrus H. Maxwell

23. Corps of Cadets Band, West Virginia University

Director Walter Mestrezat, WVU's first band director,  is second row center with trumpet.

24. Corps of Cadets Band, West Virginia University