Search Results

Exhibit in second floor gallery of Mountainlair. Poster says, 'Avenge December 7'.

109. World War II Poster - Part of a West Virginia Day Exhibit, West Virginia University

Exhibit in second floor gallery of Mountainlair. Poster says, 'Shoot to kill, protect your victory garden'.

110. World War II Poster - Part of a West Virginia Day Exhibit, West Virginia University

Exhibit in second floor gallery of Mountainlair. Poster says, 'Save your cans, help pass the ammunition. Prepare your tin cans for war, 1) remove tops and bottoms, 2) take off paper labels, 3)wash thoroughly, 4) flatten firmly.'

111. World War II Poster - Part of a West Virginia Day Exhibit, West Virginia University

Exhibit in second floor gallery of Mountainlair. Poster says, 'Housewives save waste fats for explosives, take them to your meat dealer.'

112. World War II Poster - Part of a West Virginia Day Exhibit, West Virginia University

Exhibit in second floor gallery of Mountainlair. Poster says, 'Attack, attack, attack, buy more war bonds'.

113. World War II Poster - Part of a West Virginia Day Exhibit, West Virginia University

114. Exhibit in Second Floor Gallery of Mountainlair for West Virginia Day at West Virginia University

115. Exhibit in Second Floor Gallery of Mountainlair for West Virginia Day at West Virginia University

1944 timeline poster.

116. Exhibit in Second Floor Gallery of Mountainlair for West Virginia Day at West Virginia University

Exhibit in second floor gallery of Mountainlair. Poster says, 'The sky's the limit, keep buying war bonds'.

117. World War II Poster - Part of a West Virginia Day Exhibit, West Virginia University

118. Exhibit in Second Floor Gallery of Mountainlair for West Virginia Day at West Virginia University

Exhibit in second floor gallery of Mountainlair. Poster says, 'A lifetime education free for high school graduates who qualify, U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps.'

119. World War II Poster - Part of a West Virginia Day Exhibit, West Virginia University

Exhibit in second floor gallery of Mountainlair.  Poster says, 'Back the attack, buy more bonds'.

120. World War II Poster - Part of a West Virginia Day Exhibit, West Virginia University