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Sign reads, '[unreadable] Spears, Principal. Make the Red & Black, Black & Blue, Get 'em team, we're for U.  AB School House. Dr. A. J. Hare, Teacher.  Are we slackers" No. You're Wrong.  ABs are backers, 100% strong.'

13. ROTC Cadets Parade down High Street, West Virginia University

WVU Students march up High Street from the Post Office to Mountainlair. Front left, with the sign 'Stop The Draft' is Jack Calhoun, Vietnam Veteran, Resister, National Speaker, and Writer.

14. Anti-Draft Demonstration on High Street, West Virginia University

Students march from Mountainlair to Courthouse Square to protest against the military draft system.  Male student holds sign that reads, 'Defeat Militarism. S.P.U.S.A.'

15. Anti-Draft March, West Virginia University

The march was from the Morgantown Post Office to the Mountainlair. On the far right is Stewart Fisk.

16. Anti-Draft Demonstration on High Street, West Virginia University

Female with 'Stop the Draft' sign is Alice Bell.

17. Anti-Draft Demonstration at Morgantown Post Office, West Virginia University

Students marched from the Mountainlair to the U.S. Post Office

18. Anti-Draft Demonstrators at the Top of High Street, West Virginia University

Winter 1969-1970.

19. War Resisters League Marches against Death and the Vietnam War, West Virginia University

20. Vietnam Moratorium Day Protest in Courthouse Square, West Virginia University

On right, leaning on rail is Stuart Fisk.

21. Students at Anit-Draft Demonstration in Front of Morgantown Post Office, West Virginia University

This photo of the Chi Phi fraternity was done for the 1970 WVU Monticola.  In an effort to get interesting group hosts for the Greek Section, we held a contest for the best idea for their group photo.  We didn't ask permission.  We picked a Saturday afternoon.  I got the 4 x 5 camera ready with tripod while we watied for the traffic light to turn red.  Everyone took their chairs into the street.  The first thing that I see upside on the ground glass is the police car that had just come up Pleasant Street.  Imagine what they thought seeing the guys sitting in the street.  A friend of mine, another photographer, yelled "take the picture."  I got four shots as the police started moving people off the street.  The guy in the white jacket didn't even know the police were there.  When they tried to lift him up he slipped on the wet pavement and said something like, "leave me alone, let's finish this picture."  They got him for resisting arrest.  We had a write up in the paper about a sit in staged on High Street for the benefit of a photographer source unknown. - Dave Smith

22. Chi Phi Fraternity on High Street, West Virginia University

Unidentified young man stands on a brick paved road.

23. Probably High Street Near West Virginia University Campus, Morgantown, W. Va.