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Carl B. Allen, an alumnus of WVU, with "Sportsman Pilot" Cup won in 1930 at the Chicago Air Races.

53173. Carl B. Allen

Carl B. Allen is in the first row, first on the right.

53174. Air Reserve Class of 1929, Mitchel Field, N. Y.

Hogs, sheep and cows graze in pasture.

53175. Livestock Farm, Pocahontas County, W. Va.

Charles "Casey" Jones, Amelia Earhart, and Carl B. Allen at the National Air Races.

53176. National Air Races

"Hanging primed leaves on stick in Mason County. This grower primed about 600 sticks from 1 1/2 acres in 1945."

53177. Tobacco Farm, Mason County, W. Va.

Carl B. Allen was an alumnus of WVU, an aviator, and a newspaper writer.

53178. Carl B. Allen, Aviator

Carl B. Allen on the press flight inaugurating the trans-Pacific passenger service from San Francisco to Manila.

53179. Carl B. Allen on Inaugural Trans-Pacific Passenger Service Flight

Carl B. Allen is second from the left. He joined the flight as a journalist to document the journey.

53180. Passengers of Inaugural Trans-Pacific Service Welcomed at Hawaii

C. B. Allen is seated on the far left. He reported military and Veterans Administration news as a member of the Washington bureau of the New York Herald Tribune from 1946 until 1953. Major General William H. Tunner is conducting the briefing.

53181. Carl B. Allen at Press Conference on National Defense, Washington, D. C.

Several tobacco farmers displaying the success of root-rot resistant tobacco plants. Men are standing in front of root-rot resistance variety plants, with smaller, recently transplanted tobacco plants in foreground.

53182. Tobacco Farm in Mason County, W. Va.

Carl B. Allen at work during the inaugural trans-Pacific passenger flight of Pan American World Airways from San Francisco to Manila. At the time Allen worked as a journalist for the New York Herald Tribune.

53183. Carl B. Allen During Trans-Pacific Flight

Primed leaves hanging in barn for curing. This grower in Cabell County primed 500 sticks from 1.3 acres of crop.

53184. Tobacco Curing, Cabell County, W. Va.