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Loaded coal cars outside preparation plant.

1. Coal Cars Outside of Preparation Plant

Employees are seen entering a building of the Consolidation Coal Co., Ohio Division.

2. Inspection Tour Group Outside Plant of Glen Castle No. 6 Mine, Hanna Coal Company, Consol Ohio Coals

From WVU College of Mineral and Energy Resources Scrapbook.

3. Mine Building

4. Mine Building

From WVU College of Mineral and Energy Resources Scrapbook.

5. Mine Building

Photo from WVU College of Mineral and Energy Resources Scrapbook.

6. Coal Mine with Town in the Background

Photo from WVU College of Mineral and Energy Resources Scrapbook.

7. Conveyor System of a Coal Mine

Photo from WVU College of Mineral Resources Scrapbook

8. Koppers Coal Company Layer-Loading Practices Showing Comparison with Conventional Loading

Photo from WVU College of Mineral Resources Scrapbook

9. Coal Mine Preparation Plant

Photo from WVU College of Mineral Resources Scrapbook

10. Entrance to Valley Camp Coal Mine with Overheaed Conveyor

Photo from WVU College of Mineral Resources Scrapbook

11. Preparation Plant

A photograph of coal processing buildings outside a mine with coal train cars underneath.

12. Coal Mine