Search Results

25. Lumber Mill Fire

Men standing on and in front of train.  One man off to the side in the back.  Original from C.B. Cromer.

26. Shay No. 4 with Crew Front.

Camp beside a railroad.  Men working around camp area.

27. Small Logging Camp on Railroad

Part of a mill collapsing.

28. Planing Mill Collapse (Where Logs Were Planed)

Large group of men in front of a building beside a railroad track.

29. Camp No. 2, WP and P Co. with Crew

Weight 60 Tons.  Engineer, George Crawford; Courtesy of Robert Dean; Sayre, Pa.

30. Marion Shovel Used in the Big Cut

Covered bridge in background.

31. Arks in River

Train engine with two men beside of it.

32. Shay No. 4 Front 3/4

Train engine with two workers in front of it.

33. Shay No. 5 with Crew, Front 1/4

34. Rod Engine No. 509 and Crew

Train engine with crew standing in front and top of it.

35. Shay No. 3 and Crew (3/4 Front)

Train engine on tracks beside a hill.

36. Shay No. 4 (Front 3/4 View)