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Dr. Bush concludes his inaugural dinner address as Mrs. Conant and Mr. Thompson applaud.

13. Dr. Vannevar Bush Concludes His Address at the Inauguration Dinner of West Virginia University President Irvin Stewart

From left to right: Mrs. Salvati, Mr. Salvati, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and Dr. Harris.

14. Guests at President Irvin Stewart's Inauguration, West Virginia University

Part of the receiving line at the reception at Elizabeth Moore Hall.

15. Inauguration of President Irvin Stewart, West Virginia University

Dr. Conant congratulated by President Stewart and Mr. Salvati as he receives the honorary doctor of science hood from Mr. Neff; from left to right Dr. Irvin Stewart, Charles Neff, Dr. James B. Conant and Raymond Salvati

16. Inauguration of President Irvin Stewart, West Virginia University

West Virginia University President Irvin Stewart confers Honorary Doctor of Science Degree to Dr. Vannevar Bush as Dr. Conant looks on.

17. Inauguration of President Irvin Stewart, West Virginia University

At the reception in Elizabeth Moore Hall: from left to right, President and Mrs. Stewart, Dr. Conant, Mrs. Bush and Dr. Bush.

18. Inauguration of President Irvin Stewart, West Virginia University

Inauguration principals in the academic procession, from left to right: Dr. Stewart, Dr. Conant, Dr. Bush, Mr. Salvati, Mr. Spurr and Mr. Neff.

19. Inauguration of President Irvin Stewart, West Virginia University

The speaker's table at the Inaugural dinner at Women's Hall.  Left to right, President Stewart, Mrs. William G. Thompson, Mr. Salvati, Mrs. Vannevar Bush, Mr. Thompson, Mrs. James B. Conant, Dr. Bush, Mrs. Raymond E. Salvati, Dr. Conant and Mrs. Irvin Stewart.

20. Inauguration of President Irvin Stewart, West Virginia University

Left, Alumni president Charles P. Mead speaking at the dinner; Right, Mrs. A. C. Spurr, Mr. Spurr, Mrs. K Douglas Bowers and Mr. Bowers.

21. Inauguration of President Irvin Stewart, West Virginia University

Member of the Library Administration Committee, August, 1946 - June 30, 1947.

22. Librarian Forrest F. Carhart Jr., West Virginia University

Richard I. McKinney sits at the far end of the table.

23. Baptist Ministers Dinner, Storer College, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

24. Freshmen Class, Storer College, Harpers Ferry W. Va.