Search Results

See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

13. Welch Hospital No. 1 and Nurses Home; Welch, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

14. Store Office and Bank Buildings; Berwind, W. Va.

Published by Alderson Book Store. See original for corresondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

15. Anvil Rock; Near Alderson, W. Va.

Instructors: Harry Layfield, Gertrude Borrer, Olive  Colmston, and Sylvia Peterson. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

16. Children at Dellslow School; Monongalia Co., W. Va.

See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

17. U. S. Post Office; Morgantown, W. Va.

Published by Helmbright Bros. See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

18. Y.M.C.A. Building; Wheeling, W. Va.

Published by Helmbright Bros. See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

19. High School; Wheeling, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

20. Stone Church; Elm Grove, W. Va.

See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

21. First Street; St. Marys, W. Va.

Formerly called Lakewood Hotel. Published by Ess and Ess Photo Co., Inc. See original for correspondence. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

22. Y.M.C.A. Hotel, Terra Alta, W. Va.

(From postcard collection legacy system.)

23. Crane School Class with Teacher, Pearle Freeland, Preston County, W. Va.

(From postcard collection legacy system.)

24. Greenville School With Teacher Ivan Frankhouser, Preston County, W. Va.