Search Results

Boyers, of Tyler County, served as Secretary of State from 1863 to 1865.

121. Jacob E. Boyers, First Secretary of State of West Virginia

Employment at this bank was Brown's first position in the banking business. In 1911, Brown was appointed Warden of the Moundsville Penitentiary.

122. Martin Luther Brown Posed in Doorway of Citzens National Bank, Morgantown, W. Va.

Inscribed on the back of the photo is "L.A. Burns, a school man"

123. L. A. Burns, West Virginia University Student

Bon Bon played at the Stanley in Pittsburgh. He was a vocalist with Jan Savitt, who he left in October of 1940 to create his own orchestra. The photo was collected by George and Mike Barrick, two WVU students. The photo is inscribed with "To George Best Wishes Bon Bon"

124. Autographed Portrait of Vocalist, Bon Bon

This portrait was collected by two WVU students, George and Mike Barrick. Will Bradely performed at The Met. in Morgantown, West Virginia. Inscribed on the photo is "To George Sincerely Will Bradley"

125. Autographed Portrait of Will Bradley a performer

This photo was collected by George and Mike Barrick, two WVU students. Will Bradley and his orchestra performed at the Met. in Morgantown, West Virginia. The photo is signed "To George Sincerely Will Bradley"

126. Autographed Potrait of Will Bradley a performer

This is a photograph of the grave Lt. George M. Barrick Jr. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery in Washington D.C.

127. Grave site of Lt. George M. Barrick Jr.

In this photograph Father George Barrick Jr. holds his son, George Barrick III. Uncle Mike Barrick is standing beside his brother and nephew. This photograph was taken in Morgantown, West Virginia.

128. Brothers Mike and George Barrick Jr. and George Barrick III

This is a photograph of George and Sarah Barrick. They are at Coopers Rock, West Virginia.

129. George and Sarah Barrick at Coopers Rock, West Virginia

This is a photograph of George and Sarah Barrick. George is holding their son George Barrick III. They are in Morgantown, West Virginia.

130. George and Sarah Barrick

This is a photograph of Lt. George M. Barrick. He is standing with his mother Margaret M. Barrick in Morgantown, West Virginia.

131. Lt. George Barrick and Margaret Barrick

George M. Barrick Jr. as a small boy.

132. Potrait of George Barrick Jr. of Morgantown, W. Va.