Search Results

Only identified subject is Great Aunt Mary Burchinal,1st on the left. Large mounted prints such as this are called cabinet cards.

157. Group Portrait of Burchinal Family Members, Uniontown, Pa.

A young woman in a high neck white dress. She appears to be wearing both a necklace and a pin watch.

158. Mable Burchinal Williams of Point Marion, Pa.

Outside family portrait, only person identified is J. J. Charleton, second from the right.

159. Bigoney Family, Madam's Creek, Summers County, W. Va.

Inscribed on the back of photograph, "My uncle R. O. B.". Also has a 2 cent U. S. tax revenue stamp.

160. Charles Bigelow

Bailee,a construction engineer on the C&O railroad married Matilda Biglow, a descendent of John Hansford.

161. Portrait of Nathaniel Bailee of Hansford, W. Va.

Portrait of young boy, possible the son of Nathaniel and Matilda Bailee. The album holding this tintype has the name card of Charles R. Bailee attached on the inside cover.

162. Charles R. Bailee

Outdoor portrait of Willie Burke.

163. Portrait of Willie Burke, Montrose, W. Va.

Cousins of Robert Knapp. Some family members identified: Margie, Brown, Ruby, Monroe, Leslie, Irby, Condie, Bly, Helen, and Wilma.

164. Portrait of J.O. Beard and Family, Pocahontas Co., W. Va.

Information included with the photograph: "Taken after Billy Burn's funeral.[ The Rev. Burns, originally from Kentucky was reportedly involved in stopping the feud between the Hatfields and the McCoys.] Identified Front Row L to R: Aunt "Polly" Johnson, Florinda Stump Burns, a picture of Rev. Billy Burns, Glen Weaver; Back Row: Scott Burns, Della Burns, either a Johnson or Stewart girl, Stella Burns, Everett Burns, Harper Burns, Arlan Burns (in front of Harper), Minnie Burns, Jennie Burns, Charlie Burch, Claud Osborn, Dell Burns, Rose Burns Moore, Elma Burns (baby), Rachel Gherke Burns, Calvin Burns, John Burns, Emma Burns, Frank Weaver."

165. Rev. William and Florinda Stump Burns Family, Calhoun County, W. Va.

Dr. Jenna Bond

166. West Virginia Doctor

Young daughter of John Ball, wearing a holstered revolver.

167. Arlene Ball, Lewis County, W. Va.

Postcard photograph of Cowboy toddler John Brando

168. John Brando, Two Years Old