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'The military unit of West Virginia University which is commanded by regular United States Army Officers, on their way to the Inauguration Ceremony of President J.R. Turner.'

193. Marching to West Virginia University President J.R. Turner's Inauguration Ceremonies

'Part of the great crowd that packed the new Field House at West Virginia University, the inauguration of Dr. J.R. Turner as president was the first event ever held in this building.'

194. West Virginia University President John Roscoe Turner's Inauguration Ceremonies

195. West Virginia University President John Roscoe Turner

196. West Virginia University President John Roscoe Turner

197. West Virginia University President John Roscoe Turner with Governor Conley

'Probably the ground breaking ceremony at Mineral Industries Building (White Hall)'

198. West Virginia University President Charles Elmer Lawall

Military officers listen as Joseph Gluck speaks at dedication of the bell from the 'West Virginia' outside Oglebay Hall. In the background is Woodburn Hall.

199. Joseph Gluck Speaks at Dedication Ceremony for the Bell of U.S.S. West Virginia at West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

Lugar and Harlow stand behind a podium as they address the crowd at the dedication ceremony.

200. Marlyn Lugar and University President James G. Harlow at the Dedication of the U.S.S. West Virginia Bell, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

Dr. Bush concludes his inaugural dinner address as Mrs. Conant and Mr. Thompson applaud.

201. Dr. Vannevar Bush Concludes His Address at the Inauguration Dinner of West Virginia University President Irvin Stewart

From left to right: Mrs. Salvati, Mr. Salvati, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and Dr. Harris.

202. Guests at President Irvin Stewart's Inauguration, West Virginia University

Part of the receiving line at the reception at Elizabeth Moore Hall.

203. Inauguration of President Irvin Stewart, West Virginia University

Dr. Conant congratulated by President Stewart and Mr. Salvati as he receives the honorary doctor of science hood from Mr. Neff; from left to right Dr. Irvin Stewart, Charles Neff, Dr. James B. Conant and Raymond Salvati

204. Inauguration of President Irvin Stewart, West Virginia University